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Strange, Weird and Wacky!

Sweet Jane 61

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, I was wondering that too. The post says, "The change only occurs after a brief delay, so that observers understand what's going on, and get the message." So I guess people see it just before it goes back. How very dubious, but in a good way. :D

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  • 1 month later...

"I'm not a racist. I just don't believe in mixing the races that way," Bardwell told the Associated Press on Thursday. "I have piles and piles of black friends. They come to my home, I marry them, they use my bathroom. I treat them just like everyone else."

Wow, letting them use your bathroom. That's racial enlightenment :P

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I think it's the use of "piles and piles" Jenny. Nothing like evoking images of The Amistad to get your point across.

"I didn't tell this couple they couldn't get married. I just told them I wouldn't do it."

That's what I found the most disturbing because that will be his ticket out of getting what he deserves for refusing them.

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The generalizations he makes about how mixed marriages don't last or how the kids suffer, etc., are also pretty stomach turning.

I live in the boonies and see a fair amount of mixed marriages or families with adopted children of different races/ethnicities. I'm sure there are still a lot of closed minded a$$holes out there, but I think it's just great. Love is love.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I once had a video saved in my files but have been unsuccessful finding it.

Basically it depicted a young girl in a class-room*

(I'd guess the child was about six or in the first grade)

*trying to get the teacher's attention because she needed very urgently to relieve herself.

This girl was holding her hand up, ignored by the teacher and when finally the teacher acknowledged her the bottom area of the child's desk, not to mention her pants, were wet from her own urine.

Course by then some classmates sitting near her felt embarrassed for her and didn't really do anything wrong other than to not try and do something right.

The rest of the class giggled, poked fun and pretty much created something that I think goes beyond evil;

They found excitement and glee through the anguish of another...for them it'll be weeping and gnashing of teeth for what never began or ended...for ever and ever....ions to eons...seconds to eternity?

Which shall it be?

We'll ALL see:

One day.

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  • 2 weeks later...

also qualifies as Random Thought:

Wyndham Halswelle (aside from apparently having cruel parents ;) ) was the only athlete to ever win Olympic gold by a walkover.

At the 400m race at the 1908 Olympic Games in London he was the only contestant left, after the other three refused to take part in a rerun after a dispute over the rules.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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