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The only one of Ayn Rand's books I was able to finish was Anthem. Can't stand her. Not because of her wordiness, but her philosophy. And the douchebags that swear by it. One of those things where you associate something with someone you know who you can't stand, so it makes it just about impossible to go into experiencing it unbiased.

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Well I can't honestly say I agree with what she has to say. I view her as fiction. Nothing more

I haven't read/listened to Anthem and most likely won't. But you really should listen to /read Atlas Shrugged. It's a good read if you take it lightly ;) .

I still have a whole nother part to get through I see, so I will most likely re-rate it.

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I'm about 3/4 through "Madame Bovary," Lea.

Who knew all the books written back then were about such sad, sad women? Maybe I'll stop with the whole "classic" bent.

I need me some Jamie and Claire, a'la the Outlander series. Thank goodness she finally wrote another one. I've been waiting a good while for that. :beatnik:

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Utoh only 3/4 through?

Don't give up on the classics yet if you haven't read David Copperfield (my personal favorite classic btw) but even tho Madame Bovary is a classic, just like Ethan From, it sucks in it's very own way but ya just gotta read it in order to say you've read the classics :puppyeyes:

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I'm about 3/4 through "Madame Bovary," Lea.

Who knew all the books written back then were about such sad, sad women? Maybe I'll stop with the whole "classic" bent.

I need me some Jamie and Claire, a'la the Outlander series. Thank goodness she finally wrote another one. I've been waiting a good while for that. :beatnik:

I dunno. The female characters in books by De Sade and Sacher-Masoch didn't seem very sad to me - and those have gone on to become a part of modern Pop culture. Classics are great :beatnik:

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I just finished the Larsson trilogy and would give it a definite 10/10. Even tho they are a three book set it would almost be like reading just one of "The Hobbit" books if you didn't read all three.

:thumbsup: Great series. I'm actually watching the film "The Girl Who Played With Fire" now. I saw the first one and I thought it was as good as everyone hyped it up to be, definitely doing the book justice.

I just hope they don't try to do an American remake, the Swedish original should not be touched, though I could understand them wanting to tone down those scenes. :P

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The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo: B-

pretty much what you would expect from one of those blockbuster books. The writing is pretty bad, filled with completely unnecesarry details ("He got in the cab, and according to his license the driver's name was Omar. Then he got out of the cab.") and would have been about 200 pages shorter if they edited out every time Larsson talked about drinking coffee or pimped Apple products. And then of course it was filled with gratuitous sex scenes, and a ton of the plot points were just there for shock value.

But despite all these negative things I have to say about it, it was very suspenseful (if at times cheaply so) and the plot was engrossing. I usually don't finish 600 page books within a few days so that has to say something. But this compliment isn't without a disclaimer. Even though it is a page-turner to the max, it didn't really resonate with me after I put it down. I had to finish it because the mystery was on my mind even when I wasn't reading it. But once I got to the end and the mystery was solved, that was it, there was nothing more to think about. Blockbuster books are like blockbuster movies, they're fun and entertaining, but once it's over it's like it never happened.

Basically, you'll have fun reading it but you probably won't ever have the desire to re-read it.

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I just hope they don't try to do an American remake, the Swedish original should not be touched, though I could understand them wanting to tone down those scenes. :P

They are doing an American remake, but it actually could turn out pretty good depending on what you think of David Fincher (Se7en, The Game). He's gonna direct it.

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I finally got through the last part of "Atlas Shrugged" last night. It redeemed itself somewhat :smirk:

I re-rate it at 4/5 but worth reading even if she is trying to relay her own politics in some weird way.

I doubt I will be listening to anymore of her work tho. To long winded for my tastes ;)

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They are doing an American remake, but it actually could turn out pretty good depending on what you think of David Fincher (Se7en, The Game). He's gonna direct it.

The thing is I think a remake is unnecessary. The story works on a certain level with a certain tone that I think Oplev captured well: subdued yet powerful. A remake would likely either copy the original and if so offer no new interpretation or worse "Hollywoodize" it, heighten the violence, increase the pace, compromise the source material for a market of moviegoers who aren't used to being patient with plot and development.

Also, I don't think how good it will be will depend on the director per se. The story and movie hinges on Lisbeth's character and I highly doubt any other actress (especially the mainstream ones that you know the studio will pressure him to cast) can be as real and full an incarnation of her as Noomi Rapace, in both look and attitude.

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I just finished reading "Living With The Dead" a book about :doh: the Grateful Dead :cool: I've always liked Jerry Garcia (musically) :guitar: But,I was really disappointed about the end :(

It had some really good crazy stories and stuff but according to some people (actually alot of them) Jerry just took the drug thing too far :( I still think he's (or was) a great guitar player but I'm just disappointed :( The worst part is that Jerry Garcia can't respond to some of the things people said about him :( And he did tell everyone to be honest. The beginning was just all kinds of crazy stuff (being in a band) But, the end was just another junkies story.Just sad and tragic :(

Good book,sad ending

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Well of course the numbers would be like that in that poll. There are more Catholics, whether really Catholic or just self-proclaimed, in the United States than any other religion. So when they say that Catholics are more likely to have pre-marital sex than their other religious counterparts, that accounts for a lot of America.

Though I happen to agree with her to a point. I'm a Protestant and I can't even begin to tell you about all the ridiculous hypocrisy I've seen in the church. It's like Christianity's become one huge cliche. It bothers me. But I guess you're going to come across hypocrites in just about any religion.

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I've only read bits and pieces of The Holy Bible, but if I had faith in what it said, you can bet I'd have read it many times over and have it highlighted in order to discuss with the pastor, deacon, and pretty much anyone who'd be willing to explain things through. So, it's one of the things I never understood about religious people - how can one have faith in something they haven't even read and studied? I'll take the Pepsi Challenge right now and ask any self-proclaimed xtian out on the street to name the ten commandments - and most won't be able to name them all. Good God, I'd consider that pretty relevant to commit to memory and action (and, if you've noticed, I just broke one of them). This is why I can't really fault the crazy thoughts and actions of "religious fanatics" - yes, they're crazy, but they're also the most honest when it comes to their faith on the word of their God. You peeps do know that The Holy Bible states that the punishment for adulterers, homosexuals, and people who have pre-marital sex is death, right? It rained fire on Sodom and Gomorrah. Who actually follows that rule? Islam. Aye, it is easier to pass a camel through the eye of a needle than to enter the Kingdom of God :beatnik:

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