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I like it, but I don't know why


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sweet Jane 61 started a thread concerning whether you enjoy a song for the music first, then the lyrics, or vice-versa.

So, I thought about that today, as listened to the radio at work. "Do I like this song because of the lyrics, or the music?"

Anyway, I was surprised at the number of songs at which the thought came to me, "Why do I like this song?" And I honestly couldn't pinpoint a reason.

So, that made me think even deeper. Maybe there is an aspect of musical enjoyment we have, but don't even realize. Something spiritual, perhaps.

On the surface, the rythmn of a song is man made, the beat, in order to keep time, like footsteps, or a heartbeat. The lyrics are man made as well, designed to evoke an emotion, or convey and idea, or ideal.

But what about the rest? When the music leaves the instrument, it is everywhere, and nowhere, at once. Once it goes past your ears, what then? Does it go to your heart? Your mind? Your spirit? I mean, let's face it, your ears are merely the vehicle in which the music gains entry. After that, what?

Is a song a conversation with your spirit? Why do you like that song? You don't know? Could it be something deeper inside you, something you aren't conscious of, that is touched by the strains?

Mike George wrote:

"Of all the arts, music comes closest to expressing the inexpressible."

Is that what it is? Something inexpressible, being touched, somewhere under your very own radar, that makes you like that song, but you don't know why?

Anyway. Sorry for rambling. I think too much.

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Batman, I have to agree music is not something to

rationalize. But I do think that it touches the spirit and soul more than anything else. I love that quote, about music expressing the inexpressable. That just about sums it up, I think. There's no way I could I tell you why a song touches me, in what ever way, it just does. And those songs that get to me are not of any particular type or style, they just are.

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There is a huge disparity in how people hear music, and I'd love to see a scientific study on it. Some people hear every word and can remember all the lyrics. Others feel the beat (there is great variation here as well - I've edited to music with producers who hear different beats than I do) or maybe just particular instruments.

I have a theory that what you are attuned to can say a lot about your personality. I like low-end grooves. Two of my favorite songs are "Safe From Harm" by Massive Attack and "Possession" by Sarah McLachlan. Both have very disturbing lyrics, but rhythms I can't turn off. What does this say about me? Maybe that I miss details but can see the big picture. I don't clutter my brain with every word from every song and have a hard time tuning into the lyrics because I pick up on the bass and percussion. Like a 3-year-old, you have to repeat things over and over to me, which is why I love Funk (where you can have 10 minute songs with the same few phrases repeated over and over, but a mad groove behind it).

So, can anyone else identify their personality type based on how they hear music?

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your soul.

take jimi hendrix for example. the sounds he made with his guitar was how he was feeling at that time.

when we hear music, it sounds the way that we feel (if that makes any sense).

music isn't words, so we can't read how we're feeling. it isn't a picture, so we can't see how we're feeling.

it's sounds. we hear the way that we feel, and that's what makes it so beautiful.

when you find that one song that you love, and can just listen to all the time, its like there's a connection between your soul and the music. it just feels right, like nothing can go wrong.

that's as close as i'll get to explaining why i like music though.... i think its really inexplicable, no matter who you are.

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I like the way particular music makes me feel.

I'm going through iTunes this morning sorting out genres and star ratings for favourite songs, and I am finding it increasingly difficult to limit my favourites!

If a song has a good melody, and a catchy tune, I'll like it when I hear it, but not think too much about it. But if the words speak to me, or the melody moves me, it doesn't matter who the artist is or what genre it is from, I'll think about it constantly for a few weeks.

I find that certain music/songs also inspire a change in me. Either making me feel more confident and want to go out, or artistic and want to paint or draw, or just lifts my mood or makes me think about memories or things I would like to do.

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Like a 3-year-old, you have to repeat things over and over to me, which is why I love Funk

I like funk too!

I like funk too!

I like funk too!

I like funk too!

I like funk too!

I like funk too!

I like funk too!

I like funk too!

I like funk too!

I like funk too!

Edited by Guest
I'm keeping the reason I edited this a secret
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