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streamline is great they are currently checking out the west coast music scence in seattle and LA having a blast and writing more songs they have a new cd coming out very soon with an AWESOME bass player on it you can check him out and the guitar player doin there thing on their on the road page of their website where the quicktime videos are at the bottom i promise if you know anything about the bass you will love this kid the singer/guitar player also has a video on there he is chill if you like acoustic and john mayer,jack johnson, dave mathews stuff or just great music!!! the songwriting talent of these guys is amazing make sure you check out the lyrics page also and drop mike hogan a line on their message boards and tell him how amazing his words are!!

so dont forget streamlineworld.com

someone get back to me and let me know what you think??? :guitar:

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That was pretty freakin' good, are they self-produced? If so I can really respect the use of sound, and the sheer quality of the sound, I mean, when I record I know its a real pain in the arse to produce it yourself. Also the vocals are great a little 'goo goo dolls-ish' and the guitar work is splendid and the bass is quite tight.

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Hey, they are good!!!!!! I like their sound, it´s clean and the guitar is very good too. I think the voice is also a special point to the band, they have a fantastic singer... if that´s their first work I guess they´re going to be famous on their next one... just give them time!!!!

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The Untitled - my first thought was Goo Goo Dolls! No lies! The lead singer has a very Reznick voice, and the song is good too! Lyrics are deep, alot of thought has gone into them. I like this one :thumbsup:

The meaning of life - I like the intro guitar, also good lyrics. "Life aint up to fate you can only get out what you put in", these guys are great!

I'm really glad I got to give them a listen! Their lyrics are really meaningful, the sounds work well together and I'm still humming the songs afterwards. Alot of potential here!


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I enjoyed both cuts. Is that photo a cd cover? I'd buy one.

They have a crisp sound, you know?

The Meaning of Life paints a good picture. Right away, the artist sets the scene, in the space of a few lines. He doesn't waste a lot of time with the setting, he lets the listener fill in the details with their own 'song image'.

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if you get the time check out their new pictures from the 4th st recording studio in L.A. these guys are making extreme progress!!! make u check out the videos too especially the one called " tank doing his thing" check that out cuz he does it alright!! well from what they told me that plan to have up their 2 new songs on the site by wednesday so check back and dont forget to leave them a message and tell them what u think

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