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Harry Potter Mania . . . Again


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I'm going to a Harry Potter release party tonight at Borders. It's mostly so my husband, who is a huuuge fan of the books and works nights, can have the book as soon as he gets off work and consequently spend the entire weekend reading, but I digress! :)

I've read all the books and truly enjoy them. They're great for kids and adults alike.

Is anyone else looking forward to Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince?

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got back home about an hour and half ago, book lovingly tucked under my arm! it's fabulous! had a great night at borders in birmingham, england. the staff there put on some fantastic entertainment! my feet ache, the pretty stars i had painted on my cheek are smudged, and i'm on chapter 6! :coolio:

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I was SO looking forward to this!! I finished reading Order of The Phoenix for about the fifth time last night, I read it again to refresh my memory. Half-Blood Prince went on sale at 9:01am here in Australia, and I was at the book shop at 8:30am, half way down one of the longest lines I have ever seen! I reserved a copy too, just incase they sold out! I am trying to pace myself and read slow, but I just can't, I need to know what happens!!!

:thumbsup: :bow: :bow: ::

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i love love love love love the books! my mother despaired of me because just weeks before my leaving cert i became engrossed in the goblet of fire - i would sit on the couch for hours exclaiming - no, he didn't! oh my god! oh goodness!!! so much fun and so many hours of entertainment!!!

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I know two ten year olds who have been reminding me for a week that our reserved copy is only good until close of business Sunday. :laughing:

Oh , boy !! I pity the peace of your household , JR !! So ... who gets to read it first , Solomon ? :stars: :laughing: Good luck !

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They've been down the beach for over a week. I talked to them every night, and they both reminded me every time. LOL.

They got home this afternoon, and they're about to die.

as far as who reads it first, that's Luke. Juli said she wants to read the last one, and hit the ground running for the new one.

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It's not quite "Potter Mania" at work yet, but I can reveal that I am working on the Goblet of Fire game...and I can highly recommend the others too :thumbsup: :thumbsup: I'll have to read the book at some time though as it all gets very technical with spelling and such, but Harry Potter is great! I've only read the first 2 books which were rather "kiddie" compared to the others, but I'm waiting until there is a nicer boxset to buy rather than individually. :coolio:

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It's not quite "Potter Mania" at work yet, but I can reveal that I am working on the Goblet of Fire game...and I can highly recommend the others too :thumbsup: :thumbsup: I'll have to read the book at some time though as it all gets very technical with spelling and such, but Harry Potter is great! I've only read the first 2 books which were rather "kiddie" compared to the others, but I'm waiting until there is a nicer boxset to buy rather than individually. :coolio:

I'm not sure whether you know it or not , EA , but you work for the dark side of the force: but you can play both sides ... hence, the Cheashire Cat,... what's it gonna be , girl .... :: "Bring back the Cat" ... altogether , now....!!!!!

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Well, I've got five copies in the house right now... We didn't even have to go anywhere. We just ordered them in December, and they got delivered to the house today... Though, I've yet to even open my copy. Mostly waiting until we get it on CD so I don't have to read it... I know, sounds bad. You see, though. I've got nine kittens in my house. Tomorrow eight are supposed to go back home. My guess is that two will be staying. So, reading with a kitten is decently hard... Typing right now is hard enough with little Chin attacking my hair.

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I need to go on sparknotes.com so I can remember what happened in the 5th one. I am pretty excited about this book, but right now I'm reading "Into Thin Air" so I can't read Harry. It's a great book, though. Once they get to "the death zone" of Everest, it gets really exciting and suspensful. Once I finish that, I need to read a book for school, called "The Kite Runner." Apparently it's a really good book, but I'll have to find out for myself.

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I have never read nor seen a Harry Potter movie. I really don't care to either. I have two nephews who are big on Harry Potter, yet my own two sons could not give a flying leap about Pottermania.

That leads me to my question.....what is it about Harry Potter that makes your world stop to give you the time in purchasing the book? What started out as one woman's evenings of creating a story for her own kids turned out to be a billion dollar business.

Are there any others like me who are not into Pottermania?

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i just thought i should remain silent as it seems everyone loves harry poter

I thought the same, Rachel. :) It´s not that I don´t love HP, but I get tired reading it. I get lost into that fantasy world,,, I could read Lovecraft and Lautréamont and Poe when I was 15 but my tastes have changed.

In fact I just read one hundred pages of the first book because my little nephew wanted to share impressions with me... I was sorry after a month when I told him that I had no time to read it... He was surprised as I read a lot and my house is full of books but he believed me.

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what is it about Harry Potter that makes your world stop to give you the time in purchasing the book?

Are there any others like me who are not into Pottermania?

Hhhmmm...maybe because it's a good story? If it was crap, people wouldn't read it.

Look at how Stephen King's sales have dropped off. You write crap, and evenyually, people won't spend money on you.

I've never read one, simply because the whole witchcraft/magic spells stuff isn't my particular interest.

My kids have them all. They're geeky nerds like their dad. They know the importance of reading, broadening their horizons. They can read whatever they're interested in.

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My kids have them all. They're geeky nerds like their dad. They know the importance of reading, broadening their horizons. They can read whatever they're interested in.

I didn't know Stephen King's sales numbers have dropped. Oh well! Not like he needed the money anyway. I have only read one book by him in my lifetime as well...that being Carrie.

Anyway, I agree with you JR (as well as invisible_r) when it comes to the fact that as long as the child reads to broaden his horizon it is a good thing and it seems that Harry Potter has done a good job at that. Isn't this last book though kind of harsh for some young minds? I understand from what I read in the reviews that this book may be better than the others but somewhat darker as well as a main character buying the farm at the end of the book.

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I got a copy today...and its only the third day and it's still cheaper than what anyone else I know got it for. But these latest books aren't as interesting as the earlier ones. Those were more for kids than these ones...you can't have people dying and being killed in kid's books! shish!

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I got a copy today...and its only the third day and it's still cheaper than what anyone else I know got it for. But these latest books aren't as good as the earlier ones. Those were more for kids than these ones...you can't have people dying and being killed in kid's books! shish! I can't see what the big deal is, though... why the obsession with THESE books? I prefer Roald Dahl! :)

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