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Im Ireland we have Newgrange, one of the best well preserved and well known megalithic tombs in the world. We were also the first country to hold the special olympics outside of America!!!. What heritage does your country have??. Don't forget to add your country name. =:P

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As I haven't yet met anyone on here in Cornwall, England, I'll just post a link about my County instead of the Country.

I love the history of Cornwall, it's full of legends and folklore. We are famous for The Lost Land of Lyonesse just off Lands End, Giants and piskies that are responsible for constructing some of our finest castles, and of course King Arthur and the Arthurian legend.

Many inventors and scientists came from Cornwall:

Inventor of the eponymous miners safety lamp: Sir Humphry Davey

Inventor of the safety fuse for igniting gunpowder: William Bickford

Inventor of steam engines (from my home town): Richard Trevithick

Scientist who discovered Neptune: John Couch Adams

Inventor of the rocket line apparatus: Henry Tregrouse

Even Lisa Simpson spoke of us in her Alternative Christmas Speech!

As we used to say in good old Cornwall...

"Pinta korev marpleg!"

(Pint of beer please!!)

P.S Cornwall was a tin-mining and fishing county, but the last woring tine mine came to a close last year, and fishing is on the down..

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