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Just to say...


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I feel the same way. This is indeed an awesome forum and I'm glad I stumbled across it. Not only has it provided a way for me to express myself honestly, but also it has served to teach me a lot of things about music, life etc.

The superb layout and administration of the site itself also makes it fun and easy to contribute.

It has given me an appreciation for the diversity of people and their opinions and taught me to respect them and be open to new ideas while still staying true to who I am.

I am equally impressed at the maturity, intelligence, tolerance and all around good, friendly nature of the people who post here. (Quite unlike many of the other chat rooms/forums I have seen.)

Overall I'm just happy to find those who agree with my tastes and opinions while learning from those who don't.

Just had to express my admiration for this site and its members. May God bless and keep each and every one of you! :)

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I'd like to jump on this bandwagon as well. I've always considered myself fairly intelligent and open minded. However, in just a few months here, I've learned some

things about myself. I've discovered some flaws in my thinking that I truly need to work on to make myself a better person.

Sara and Carl, rock on. :rockon: (That's only the second time I've used that symbol)

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This is the first Forum I have ever been on so I have no comparison. All I can say is that it is addictive, and it is the contributors that make it such.


This is the only forum you need :rockon: :jester: No. Seriously. Most other forums are based on niche crowds: 70s music, 80s music, Metal, Goth, Punk, etc. This one is open to anyone to discuss anything. I like to spew out my comments freely and see posters here not get really bent outta shape about it. Any other music board woulda been on my case by now :angel:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here, here great job guys and gals. I have to put in my two cents (sense?) also. A great job by all of you posters and guardians of the gates. I have only signed up a few days ago and I am already way behind on my honey-do list. Darn, that just goes to show how addictive this site is. Keep the great questions and responses circulating. They are great to read and the responses are very informative. :thumbsup:

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  • 4 months later...

Thanks again for the new server that's on its way. None of us really know how much hard work and $$$ goes into running Songfacts, but I'm sure we'd all make some sort of plan to help out wherever we could!

Hooray for Carl and Sara who feed our daily addiction and make this site one of the very best on the net!

:bow: :bow: :bow:

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