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Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords Shot


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It appears that she was shot in the head by a lone gunman while meeting with constituents outside a grocery store. There are conflicting reports at the moment as to whether she has passed away or is in surgery in critical condition. There are also conflicting reports as to how many others were killed or injured in the shooting.

Also, this: http://www.alan.com/2010/03/24/palin-puts-gun-sighs-on-target-map-says-ti/ This is a map on Sarah Palin's website with 20 congresspeople who voted for healthcare reform in districts that voted for McCain in 2008 with gunsights over their districts. Congresswoman Giffords is one of those targeted.

This is a sad day for the country.

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From the looks of the shooter's YouTube channel, he was nuttier than squirrel sh!t, so I don't think this had overt political overtones to it (left vs. right).

I advised all my Twitter followers to read/listen to Bobby Kennedy's "Mindless Menace of Violence" speech, and I urge you all here to do the same.

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No weirder than any other country on the planet. Not quite sure what that was supposed to mean. All countries have their share of nutjobs who do ridiculous and dangerous things for attention.

Totally not cool, Viaene.

I've never seen such 'jump-to-wrong-conclusions' like I did yesterday. I don't mean here on SF, but on other websites and in the news.

Sure, every nation has his crazy persons, that's true. But no country has that many guns and citizens killed by guns as yours.

I'm sorry if I offended any of you, but through all the mixed information that came to Europe yesterday, that was the only thing I could say about it.

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Sudan? Ethiopia? Iraq?

Tim, we're talking about the US... :stars: of course we don't think of Sudan or Iraq or such... :P

The US are still the best country if you compare it to other places. Of course, we don't have almost free weapons in Spain or France or Germany... yet anyboby, anywhere in the world can get a gun and kill whoever they feel like... not just in the US.

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I'm not so sure there were political overtones. Congresswoman Giffords was out shaking hands, so maybe she was a more obvious target, and she represented the government, which it seems the gunman was against.

I don't think what Viaene said was offensive at all....there has been a very vitriolic political climate growing in this country. There have been too many politicians preying upon people's fears, instead of working to improve things in this country. I am not all that politically aware, but I feel it. I have a friend who I like very much, but when she talks politics, I change the subject because she spouts all this crap about how the government is coming to take away your rights and your guns, and she's a smart and sensible person!

I am reading on the net that this shooting is making politicians rethink the way they are doing things, so if that comes out of this, then all the better for all of us, no matter what our political affiliation.

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I'm not so sure there were political overtones. Congresswoman Giffords was out shaking hands, so maybe she was a more obvious target, and she represented the government, which it seems the gunman was against.

The barrel of the gun was aimed at her temple. You don't aim the barrel of a gun at someone's temple unless you're meaning to kill them.

Also, political doesn't necessarily have to be right vs. left, Democrat vs. Republican.

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I don't think what Viaene said was offensive at all....

Ditto, I think the same thing could have been said about any country and I can think of at least three right off the top of head ;) I wouldn't mean it in an offensive way either but I'd still say it.

Sad what happened in AZ. We don't need to import terrorists these days, we have plenty of our own and I'll bet people like Osama bin Laden are laughing their asses off :P

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Well, I found what Viaene said to be mildly offensive. I mean, what if this happened in their home country, and someone here posted "X is a weird country"? Wouldn't they find it somewhat offensive that on the heels of a tragic event of this nature, someone would say something like that?

Now, if Paris Hilton were elected President, then you could say we're a weird country. Not after 6 people, including a 9 year old girl, are gunned down in broad daylight.

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I'm not entirely sure the guy was against a specific party, but just government in general.

Plus, the guy was batsh!t crazy. I mean, he thought the government was brainwashing America through controlling grammar.

THe guy was nuts. He killed people. It happens all the time. We're just lucky the guy didn't end up being a serial killer and kill a LOT more people.

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