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The Great Funny Images Thread


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Posted Images

^ God , computers are great ! How are they ever gonna make a better graphics than THAT ?!?! ( Quote circa 1973 ) :D Is this a computer card or my parking ticket ?

10 Print 'Smurf '

20 If 'Smurf ' > MC then 30

30 End

Alternatively :

10 Print 'Smurf'

20 If MC = Dork then 30

30 End

^ The beginning of AI ...

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as i was crawling

through the holes in

a swiss cheese

the other

day it occurred to

me to wonder

what a swiss cheese

would think if

a swiss cheese

could think and after

cogitating for some

time i said to myself

if a swiss cheese

could think

it would think that

a swiss cheese

was the most important

thing in the world

just as everything that

can think at all

does think about itself

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actually they are called demotivational posters.

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sniper cat

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the wheels on the bus.

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