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That it is. And it certainly isn't going to be easy. But I get a peaceful feeling that it'll be worth it. I'll be going to college and working at the same time while living with my girlfriend up where I go to college. She'll be working too. Thankfully though, we found out that we can get Medicaid that'll cover her and the child's health insurance, so that'll save a good deal of money. Plus, I'll be working a 40-hour-a-week job this summer so that'll definitely save some money for a few months rent and whatnot. Thankfully housing is cheap in Middle Of Nowhere, PA ;) .

Still haven't informed my parents yet though, so that'll be a challenge. But thankfully everything seems to be falling in order so hopefully they'll appreciate the maturity this is being handled with and not be too angry.

But it'll all be worth it, I know. Perhaps it isn't the way I had originally planned but all things work out for the good eh? Should be an interesting next couple of years :)

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An intersting couple of years? Yeah, that's putting it mildly. :D I think anger will be only one of the emotions your parents are going to feel when you tell them, but you seem like you've got a good head on your shoulders, and they raised you, they know that. You will have to understand them as well, and let them go through the process of accepting. You've got a great attitude kiddo, I'm sure things will work out just fine.

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Perhaps it isn't the way I had originally planned but all things work out for the good eh?

Of course they do!!! :) You must always feel that way because yes, things do work out... ;)

And you know, it's never the way you plan it... but it works out fine anyways... :cool:

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Hey Songfacts,

I was just released from the hospital after being there for the last couple days after my health took a sudden turn for the scary. I'll be going home soon after figuring out how to finish off the last few weeks of the semester remotely, and from there I will figure out how to fix me. Not sure what this will mean for my posting here, but don't worry, I will get fixed (um... not in the pet sense).


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Oh no! You've been sick an awful lot lately kiddo .... I hope you're at least feeling better, but geez, you can't even stay at school? Ah well, rest up, do what the docs say, and check in with us as often as you can. You know all of us mom-types are going to worry about you now ... :P

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I just talked to you the other day and you did not tell me you were a sick puppy :shades:

You go home and your mother will get you back on track. We're good at that kinda thing. In the mean time, do try to post a little bit or we will worry :puppyeyes:

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