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I have always had lab mixes from the pound and have had pretty good luck with them. As this will be Mariko's dog to train and p/u after, I am giving her full control of the selection. We had looked at rescues for the Bostons, but they are all special needs dogs and we would like to try to have a dog that does not need more medical attention than any of us. At least not right out of the gate. We have been toying with the idea of getting a retired guide dog from a charity we support (Guide Dogs For the Blind.) They are usually retired after about 8 years, so they are well trained and still have a lot of life left in them. In my research, I have also found that Boston Terriers are not really terriers. Who knew?

Anyway, if we get a puppy, it will be from a reputable breeder.

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Yes, I agree, but when you are looking for a specific breed of dog due to their characteristics, the pound may not be possible. I know there are plenty of dogs that need rescuing, have great personalities and are smart at the pound. Maybe I should take my wife over there to see if any of them pull on her heart strings....

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Yes, please do... :P And you´ll also find expensive and classy dogs there. There are also abandoned labradors and Boston terriers, believe me...

I can´t believe there´s not a law againts putting animals in cages... :stars: and I don´t mean the zoo.

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As far as large breed dogs go, Golden's are one of the easiest dogs to train. As far as Labs and Golden Retrievers go I'd always go with the Golden they seem less destructive, less aggressive, and bond to their people/person very strongly.I have had both and have never been disappointed with the Golden's.

We also have two Jack Russell Terriers. They are fantastic dogs. A lot of people say their to hyper but it really depends on how you train them. The more time you spend with just about any dog, the smarter, better trained and over all happy everyone involved will be.

Good luck Marc and I hope you find a good friend to add to your family :D

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