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Worst film?


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I really hate anything Ashton Kutcher is in,

The Butterfly Effect was really good, probably one of the best this year. He goes back in time & keeps changing these events that happened to him, & it gets him in trouble. The ending was hard to understand, but I should've paid more attention. I don't want to ruin it for anybody though.

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That would be a great ending...if it was a documentary!


Fifty first dates was terrible, as is any adam sandler movie besides Happy Gilimore and Billy Madison. With most SNLers, they will get lucky the first couple movies, then their egos get big and they write their own movies. Then they start to suck. I hope this doesnt' happen with Will Fererel!

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Fifty first dates was terrible, as is any adam sandler movie besides Happy Gilimore and Billy Madison

I liked Airheads, to me it's the best movie he's been in, not his funniest performance, actually I think Michael Richards (Kramer from Seinfeld) was the funniest one in that movie, but a few of Sandler's films were decent. Billy Madison grew old on me too quickly it seems, but that's because just after it came out, I would watch it once a week for 2 years straight.

With most SNLers, they will get lucky the first couple movies, then their egos get big and they write their own movies. Then they start to suck.

It always happens, like you said about being lucky with the first couple movies. Bill Murray was able to stretch his career a little into the 90's with good films, like "What About Bob" & Groundhog Day. His latest films haven't been that great, I was completely bored by "Lost in Translation" The only funny part in that movie was with Mrs. Harris coming over & trying to seduce him.

Mike Myers is starting to slip, Dana Carvey never took off the way I hoped he would in movies. I wasn't impressed by Master of Disguise, he could've starred in a better role.

A lot of other SNL stars tried to do a movie & failed miserably, such as Al Franken (Stuart Smalley) & that lady who played Pat. Their movies were even stupider then their skits on SNL.

I hope this doesnt' happen with Will Fererel!

It already is happening, IMO I never found him that funny to begin with, granted he's the best one on the show in the past 8 years.

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Dana Carvey never took off the way I hoped he would in movies.

That was too bad with Dana Carvey. He is IMO the best person to ever have been on SNL. His impressions are great. I recomend every fan of any kind of comedy go rent or buy "The Best Of Dana Carvey on Saturday Night Live." Its great! I loved his Mclaughlin group thing. "Wrong! You all had special K and bananas!"

I guess the problem is they just don't make good movies for impressionists. "Master of Disguise" was 7 year old humor, with Dana Carvey doing a few bad impressions. The plot didn't make sense, it was just an excuse to have Dana do impressions. Waynes world was good, but not terrific. It was funny. I think he should quit making movies and start doing more stand-up. I just saw a really funny Dana Carvey HBO standup show. It was the funniest standup I have seen in my life!

IMO I never found him him to be that funny

Really? I thought he was hilarious! He was great on SNL at least. Harry Caray is terrific! But as for his movies hes played the lead role in...

Old School - one of the most overrated comedies ever. The infamous "streaking scene" isn't half as funny as anyone says it was.

Elf - I actually thought this one was very funny! It had a cheezy ending, but come on, its a christmas movie. Best PG movie since PG-13 was created (that I've seen at least)

Anchorman - Boy does this one look stupid. "scotchy scotch scotch. Lets make babys!" I've heard that his character is basic 'dumb guy' you see in all movies. Seriously is that all these guys can think of when creating characters these days?

I think the problem with most comedies these days is that the writers and actors are spending less time with character developement and just going for good one-liners. They will just say "how about this character is dumb?" throw in a bunch of memorable one-liners. That is because that is what people are talking about after the movie. When I see a comedy, and somebody asks me how it was, they will immediately say "what are some of the funny parts?" And they don't want to hear about the characters, they want to hear about one-liners.

I have probably said this rant before, it sounds vaguely familiar to me...

I probably have, I really hate how movies do that.

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You know, Anchorman was a lot better than it looked. When it started off, you were thinking "Crap, what did I get myself into" But it gets good. It is the funny kind of stupid humor. Not the stupid kind. Ben Stiller is the stupid kind of stupid humor. I have only seen one Ben Stiller movie that didn't suck, Meet The Parents. How many of you remember that movie that came out in the late 90s called Deep Blue Sea? About the scientists that were trapped in some shark laboratory? That was possibly the worst movie ever. Also, any Steve Martin movie released after he started doing those sappy family comedies (Father of The Bride, Cheaper by The Dozen, etc.). Those all suck. Most of the movies out today are not good at all. Back before the 90s, there were more classics released in a year than these past 4 1/2 years. Tremors sucked too.

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I really like Anchorman Too! Steve Carell was the best in it!

The best had to be all the improv in the movie (expecially the stuff you saw at the end)

*Anyone who's seen the movie will get what I'm about to say*

Here's proof that Steve Carell is the best

"I pooped a hammer"

"I pooped a tape recorder"

"I drank a lava lamp, but it wasn't lava"

"I ate plexiglass insulation, but it wasn't cotton candy like the man said, now my stomach itches"

"I'm riding a furry tractor!"

"I love lamp"

"I love carpet"

"I love desk"

"I stabbed a man through the heart"

"I killed a man with a trident"



And that's only a portion of the genius of Steve Carell in the movie(There's a lot of physical humor that couldn't be explained on this post either)

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Tremors sucked too.

I enjoyed that movie, but not so much for the plot or acting. I was more captivated by the special effects used. The earthquake scientist was pretty obvious at determining there was a problem in the area, and the actors (other than Bacon?s performance) were tedious & didn?t act horrified enough IMO. They seemed to focus more on taking matters into their own hands than they were concerned about the dilemma.

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That would be a great ending...if it was a documentary!


Fifty first dates was terrible, as is any adam sandler movie besides Happy Gilimore and Billy Madison. With most SNLers, they will get lucky the first couple movies, then their egos get big and they write their own movies. Then they start to suck. I hope this doesnt' happen with Will Fererel!

Will Ferrel is my favorite comedy actor besides Jim Carry, so I went to see Anchorman the other day. It was alright, but I guess I expected more from him. The guy from the Daily Show with Jon Stewart was pretty funny, and of course Ferrel did a good job. But it was maybe the first time ever I thought a movie should have been sillier.

Worst movie ever: 90% of so-called "scary" movies.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Worst film(s)? How long have you got? I can sit 'ere and list for you all kinds of trash churned from the Hollywood re-make machine. I'll give you a few off the bat:

1. The remake of The Vanishing

2. The remake of Psycho

3. The remake of Nightwatch

4. The remake of Wings Of Desire (City Of Angels)

Compared to the originals, these are trash.

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Most of Hollywood productions are the wort films ever made. All these nationalistic propagandish movies like Pearl Harbour.

I think Leni Rifenstal (the nazi cinematographer) films are quite bad too.

A stupid movie well done is worst than a stupid movie badly done. It is more dangerous i.e. insiduous...


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