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Thoughts for a Friend


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Hi everyone! This is Kate's best friend Alex posting from her computer.

She frequents the site quite a bit and has always told me about it and you all seemed like great people so she told me.

I was wondering if you would keep her in her thoughts as she has been hospitalized and may not be doing so well. She overdosed on some painkillers two nights ago and has been struggling to pull through. At this point it does seem intentional as this is not the first time it has happened in the last month. She is an extremely sweet, funny and goregeous girl who has been through alot in her life and we are aware that she has been battling a re-occuring eating disorder, however she has always been very private about any problems she has had.

If you could all keep her in your thoughts it would be greatly appreciated!


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Wow, I never expected such a quick reply! I will be sure to let her know. She is a very loved girl here at home and the city where she attends school (London, Ontario) but I was aware she was experiancing some problems.


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Kate will be in my thoughts and prayers. I sincerely mean that. I hope her issues can be resolved, so that she can be happy. Everyone deserves at least that. I can see she has one thing on her side, obviously, a very good friend. Good for you Alex.

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hi alex,

thank you for letting us know about kate. you are clearly a very good friend who will support her through this difficult time. i am certainly sending all my love and good thoughts to her.

she's lucky to have you. please keep us updated on how she is doing.


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Kate, a few people I have known went through a similar experience in their younger days. Each one has said that finding someone to talk to was the saving grace. For some it was a friend that went through the same thing. For another, it was a psychiatrist. For yet another, it was both. You seem like a nice girl, and it would be a shame not to have you around here.

I hope you feel better soon.


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Hey everyone!

It looks like they will be releasing Kate by sometime mid-next week. She finally came to in the middle of last night. We are in the process of trying to learn more about what exactly happened. Thanks everyone for your thoughts during this tough time!


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Hello Kate:

I'm so sorry to hear about your troubles. I hope that you find the care and support you need. It's obvious that you have loving friends who care, so lean on them. You can also lean on us. Someone is always around here to listen.

Hope to see you posting again soon

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