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Top Ten Ways To Mess With Your Co-Workers

10. Taser them when they're at the urinal.

9. Sprinkle salt in their coffee

8. Remove the staples from their stapler and place a few bang snaps (poppers) inside.

7. Have a big plate of beans for dinner the night before.







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Top Ten Ways To Mess With Your Co-Workers

10. Taser them when they're at the urinal.

9. Sprinkle salt in their coffee

8. Remove the staples from their stapler and place a few bang snaps (poppers) inside.

7. Have a big plate of beans for dinner the night before.

6. Fill all their file drawers with "popcorn" styro packing.






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Top Ten Ways To Mess With Your Co-Workers

10. Taser them when they're at the urinal.

9. Sprinkle salt in their coffee

8. Remove the staples from their stapler and place a few bang snaps (poppers) inside.

7. Have a big plate of beans for dinner the night before.

6. Fill all their file drawers with "popcorn" styro packing.

5. Don't show up to work for six weeks straight.





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Top Ten Ways To Mess With Your Co-Workers

10. Taser them when they're at the urinal.

9. Sprinkle salt in their coffee

8. Remove the staples from their stapler and place a few bang snaps (poppers) inside.

7. Have a big plate of beans for dinner the night before.

6. Fill all their file drawers with "popcorn" styro packing.

5. Don't show up to work for six weeks straight.

4. Mix up a bunch of the letters on their keyboard




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Top Ten Ways To Mess With Your Co-Workers

10. Taser them when they're at the urinal.

9. Sprinkle salt in their coffee

8. Remove the staples from their stapler and place a few bang snaps (poppers) inside.

7. Have a big plate of beans for dinner the night before.

6. Fill all their file drawers with "popcorn" styro packing.

5. Don't show up to work for six weeks straight.

4. Mix up a bunch of the letters on their keyboard

3. Get a collaborator from HR to escort your co-worker to the front door with pink slip in hand.



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Top Ten Ways To Mess With Your Co-Workers

10. Taser them when they're at the urinal.

9. Sprinkle salt in their coffee

8. Remove the staples from their stapler and place a few bang snaps (poppers) inside.

7. Have a big plate of beans for dinner the night before.

6. Fill all their file drawers with "popcorn" styro packing.

5. Don't show up to work for six weeks straight.

4. Mix up a bunch of the letters on their keyboard

3. Get a collaborator from HR to escort your co-worker to the front door with pink slip in hand.

2. Plant seeds in their keyboard.



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Top Ten Ways To Mess With Your Co-Workers

10. Taser them when they're at the urinal.

9. Sprinkle salt in their coffee

8. Remove the staples from their stapler and place a few bang snaps (poppers) inside.

7. Have a big plate of beans for dinner the night before.

6. Fill all their file drawers with "popcorn" styro packing.

5. Don't show up to work for six weeks straight.

4. Mix up a bunch of the letters on their keyboard

3. Get a collaborator from HR to escort your co-worker to the front door with pink slip in hand.

2. Plant seeds in their keyboard.

1. Just sit there and smile all day long.


Top Ten Signs Your Neighbor Might Be A Serial Killer

10. He sculpts tombstones in his shed.










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Top Ten Signs Your Neighbor Might Be A Serial Killer

10. He sculpts tombstones in his shed.

9. Often selling Domino's Pizza uniforms at yard sales.

8. There's a human skull in the fridge.

7. There are six lawn mowers and ten pairs of hedge trimmers lying in his front yard.

6. Constantly comes over to borrow shovels, saws, and muriatic acid.






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Top Ten Signs Your Neighbor Might Be A Serial Killer

10. He sculpts tombstones in his shed.

9. Often selling Domino's Pizza uniforms at yard sales.

8. There's a human skull in the fridge.

7. There are six lawn mowers and ten pairs of hedge trimmers lying in his front yard.

6. Constantly comes over to borrow shovels, saws, and muriatic acid.

5. Is a "duct tape enthusiast".





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Top Ten Signs Your Neighbor Might Be A Serial Killer

10. He sculpts tombstones in his shed.

9. Often selling Domino's Pizza uniforms at yard sales.

8. There's a human skull in the fridge.

7. There are six lawn mowers and ten pairs of hedge trimmers lying in his front yard.

6. Constantly comes over to borrow shovels, saws, and muriatic acid.

5. Is a "duct tape enthusiast".

4. His neighborly chats always come around to why some criminal was stupid and how they could have gotten away with whatever they were convicted of.




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Top Ten Signs Your Neighbor Might Be A Serial Killer

10. He sculpts tombstones in his shed.

9. Often selling Domino's Pizza uniforms at yard sales.

8. There's a human skull in the fridge.

7. There are six lawn mowers and ten pairs of hedge trimmers lying in his front yard.

6. Constantly comes over to borrow shovels, saws, and muriatic acid.

5. Is a "duct tape enthusiast".

4. His neighborly chats always come around to why some criminal was stupid and how they could have gotten away with whatever they were convicted of.

3. Invites you over for dinner and says he's having liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.



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Top Ten Signs Your Neighbor Might Be A Serial Killer

10. He sculpts tombstones in his shed.

9. Often selling Domino's Pizza uniforms at yard sales.

8. There's a human skull in the fridge.

7. There are six lawn mowers and ten pairs of hedge trimmers lying in his front yard.

6. Constantly comes over to borrow shovels, saws, and muriatic acid.

5. Is a "duct tape enthusiast".

4. His neighborly chats always come around to why some criminal was stupid and how they could have gotten away with whatever they were convicted of.

3. Invites you over for dinner and says he's having liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.

2. He's had six wives in four years, but has never once been divorced.


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Top Ten Signs Your Neighbor Might Be A Serial Killer

10. He sculpts tombstones in his shed.

9. Often selling Domino's Pizza uniforms at yard sales.

8. There's a human skull in the fridge.

7. There are six lawn mowers and ten pairs of hedge trimmers lying in his front yard.

6. Constantly comes over to borrow shovels, saws, and muriatic acid.

5. Is a "duct tape enthusiast".

4. His neighborly chats always come around to why some criminal was stupid and how they could have gotten away with whatever they were convicted of.

3. Invites you over for dinner and says he's having liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.

2. He's had six wives in four years, but has never once been divorced.

1. Watching Monday Night Football at his place you mention the smell, he replies he's in a market research group testing Glade's new "Rotting Flesh" aerosol spray.


Top Ten Reasons America Invading Syria is a Win/Win Proposition

10. Iraq war protesters get more mileage on their signs.










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Top Ten Reasons America Invading Syria is a Win/Win Proposition

10. Iraq war protesters get more mileage on their signs.

9. It'll get Obama out of office....in 2017.

8. Jobs, Jobs, Jobs.....we need more cruise missiles, bombs and stuff.








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Top Ten Reasons America Invading Syria is a Win/Win Proposition

10. Iraq war protesters get more mileage on their signs.

9. It'll get Obama out of office....in 2017.

8. Jobs, Jobs, Jobs.....we need more cruise missiles, bombs and stuff.

7. I love the smell of napalm in the morning. It smells like ... victory!







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Top Ten Reasons America Invading Syria is a Win/Win Proposition

10. Iraq war protesters get more mileage on their signs.

9. It'll get Obama out of office....in 2017.

8. Jobs, Jobs, Jobs.....we need more cruise missiles, bombs and stuff.

7. I love the smell of napalm in the morning. It smells like ... victory!

6. The War Room $2 mil redux under Bush/Cheney looks like money well spent!






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Top Ten Reasons America Invading Syria is a Win/Win Proposition

10. Iraq war protesters get more mileage on their signs.

9. It'll get Obama out of office....in 2017.

8. Jobs, Jobs, Jobs.....we need more cruise missiles, bombs and stuff.

7. I love the smell of napalm in the morning. It smells like ... victory!

6. The War Room $2 mil redux under Bush/Cheney looks like money well spent!

5. Hell, you ever been to Syria?





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Top Ten Reasons America Invading Syria is a Win/Win Proposition

10. Iraq war protesters get more mileage on their signs.

9. It'll get Obama out of office....in 2017.

8. Jobs, Jobs, Jobs.....we need more cruise missiles, bombs and stuff.

7. I love the smell of napalm in the morning. It smells like ... victory!

6. The War Room $2 mil redux under Bush/Cheney looks like money well spent!

5. Hell, you ever been to Syria?

4. Nuke Syria into a wasteland fulfilling Isaiah 17:1 :soapbox:




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Top Ten Reasons America Invading Syria is a Win/Win Proposition

10. Iraq war protesters get more mileage on their signs.

9. It'll get Obama out of office....in 2017.

8. Jobs, Jobs, Jobs.....we need more cruise missiles, bombs and stuff.

7. I love the smell of napalm in the morning. It smells like ... victory!

6. The War Room $2 mil redux under Bush/Cheney looks like money well spent!

5. Hell, you ever been to Syria?

4. Nuke Syria into a wasteland fulfilling Isaiah 17:1 :soapbox:

3. We can drop in to say hello to Iraq while we're in the neighborhood.



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