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I assume you mean besides tomatoes so....I'll have to say mushrooms. Oops, not really a veggie, huh? OK then...make it peppers.

Name a topping for pizza that's almost as good (though it's not really possible) as anchovies.


Not a BJ :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Most likely just listening to them and understanding how they were feeling.

Name something you know about yourself that scares you.


I'm a good person and most people that know me in real life would trust me with their life and their secrets. It takes no effort on my part it's just who I am.

I like that about myself and it makes me proud of me. It makes my mommy proud to ;)

I like that question so let's ask it again :D


Does "on Facebook" count?

Actually, I ran into my sister the other day and we hadn't really talked in some time.

Name a forum on Songfacts, that you could care lesss about and never post in.

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