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Just some random silly questions


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Ew ew ew ew ewwwww! Does that stuff even sell?

Hey does anyone like Marmite?

I bet it's a huge hit over on this side. Why do you think over 50% of our population is overweight? Americans eat like garbage disposals :P

I thought marmite was a cooking pot or something =:P

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We eat everything here, but I'm gonna venture and say that wouldn't sell well here unless it's so radioactively fattening that you'd blow an artery if you ate two or so spicy it'll burn a hole in your mouth :thumbsup:

This is a regular entree:


Marmite is the kind of thing our governor would say "girly men" eat :jester:

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LOL! Yeah America does'nt understand the sentence "Can I have a small coke" they go "ok" and come back with a coke like extra extra large, and everything you get to eat is like HUGE portions, they even wrap it up for you to take home! :)

Its really weird and when you ask for chips they are like "Oh you mean fries"??? ::

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LOL! Yeah America does'nt understand the sentence "Can I have a small coke" they go "ok" and come back with a coke like extra extra large, and everything you get to eat is like HUGE portions, they even wrap it up for you to take home! :)

Its really weird and when you ask for chips they are like "Oh you mean fries"??? ::

Small is like a 42oz. drink that can last you a day :: Oh, that's riiiight! You guys are metric o'er there! If you ever come to this side, you're gonna have to re-adjust to our retarded way of measuring stuff - the English way with inches, miles, ounces, pounds, etc.! Hell! I've been taking science classes for years now and I STILL don't know wtf something weighs when it is in kg =:P If you want "chips", they'll point to the vending machine and you can buy Lays, Ruffles, and Fritos, but fries are fries (French fries, "freedom" fries, curly fries, etc.). We do have a couple of places that sell stuff like "fish 'n chips", which we know is meant to be British, but that is the exception to the rule :beatnik: Also, get used to the Mexican food. Chips (tortilla chips!) and salsa are the numero uno snack food in the US :bow:

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That's weird, come over here and ask for a large portion and you will get a small portion...to you's..

But yeah I'm moving to Colarado..but I so won't get used to the whole 'American slang thing' and on american t.v you have like 10 mins of tv and then 10 mins of ads...that sucks,

and I will feel like such an outsider, cause the americans have a real strong accent, and there will be me...with my ole 'Irish mouth' :puppyeyes:

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Let me explain,

Okay Ireland is in Europe and neighbours Britan, Britan makes up England, Wales, Scotland, and sadly Nothern Ireland, cause you know with the whole Easter Rising thing, Northern Ireland is really in Ireland, but the British had to go and take over it, so its considered 'Britan'

Thats why their is chaos over here with the whole Prodestants -V- Catholics thing, ya see

most catholics living in Nothern Ireland consider themselves Irish

wheras most prodestants (not all) living in Nothern Ireland consider themselves British

Now the I.R.A (Irish republican army) are trying to get our 6 nothern counties back to being Ireland

and use terrorist means to do this

No offence to the British, it happened a long time ago, and your nice people, but I don't like to be called British when Im actually from the Republic of Ireland :)

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Bleh! I got the geography wrong? I shouldn't believe everything I read then. I thought that when people spoke of the "British Isles" it included the Republic of Ireland... it's actually still mentioned in some geography books and sites as being the second largest of the British Isles (???).

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oh, thats still, really, really weird, ick ::

well, we take making a PBNJ seriously around my house.

Heres the recipe:

One saucer,

one large scoop Peanut butter

One large scoop grape jelly

Mix vigorously.

apply to both pieces of bread,

smash together,

then cut off all the crust,

then cut diagonally , both ways,

so you have 4 pbnj triangles!


Ever had peanut butter, and banana?

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Bleh! I got the geography wrong? I shouldn't believe everything I read then. I thought that when people spoke of the "British Isles" it included the Republic of Ireland... it's actually still mentioned in some geography books and sites as being the second largest of the British Isles (???).

Well were considered in the British Isles ::

But no, Im not English, Scottish, Welsh, or British

And the English, Scottish and Welsh accent is completly different from the Irish accent :)

So I don't speak like Mike Myers or Rod Stuart...now their British..lol :D

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Waaah =:P I seldom get to hear Irish and Scottish accents and manage to fumble everything when I hear people refer to them as Scottish Gaelic and Irish Gaelic - sometimes they sound similar to my untrained ear :help: (haha! At least you won't have to be subtitled like the fellows from Oasis :P ). Anyway, before I sink myself further in my own ignorance, lemme recommend a healthy snack:

Apple slices with peanut butter.

This is actually pretty good and the only way I can eat peanut butter ::

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  • 6 months later...

1. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?

A. Strawberry

2. What is the last movie you saw in a theater?

A. Van Helsing

3. Your PBnJ: Crusts on or cut off?

A. On

4. Who was your first celebrity crush and how old were you?

A. Don't remember!

5. Ink pens: blue or black ink?

A. Black.

6. What is your favorite color?

A. Dark Purple

7. If you had $100 to spend in 5 minutes, what would you buy?

A. A nice pair of silver earrings

8. What is your favorite cereal?

A. All Bran

9. Choose one: A B C and tell why you picked it.

A. 'B' because its the first letter of my name

10. Name a quote that says a lot about you.

A. Two men looked out from prison bars.

One saw the mud, the other the stars.

- John Powell (I can be both of those people on the same day!)

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1. My favourite ice cream flavour is mint chocolate chip.

2.The last movie I saw in a theatre is SponeBob SquarePants (with my kids)

3.I like my PBnJ sandwiches with the crusts on.

4. My first celebrity crush was Diana Rigg and I was 7 years old.

5. I prefer pens with black ink.

6. Blue is my favourite colour.

7. I would by $100 worth of CD's

8. Life cereal

9. The letter C, because my son Colin's name begins with it.

10. "Any man who says he can see right through a woman is missing a lot."


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1. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? Lemon

2. What is the last movie you saw in a theater? I forget

3. Your PBnJ: Crusts on or cut off? On

4. Who was your first celebrity crush and how old were you? Never have really

5. Ink pens: blue or black ink? blue

6. What is your favorite color? blue

7. If you had $100 to spend in 5 minutes, what would you buy? Cd's

8. What is your favorite cereal? Wheatos

9. Choose one: A B C and tell why you picked it. A because its a letter

10. Name a quote that says a lot about you. "Stairway.. Denied!!!!". Everyone guess why... :laughing: :laughing:

Didn't RogerWaters90125 have a thread like this somewhere?. The survey thingy?.

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  • 3 years later...

I saw this and thought, "Boy, there sure are a lot of new faces here."

Here is my 2008 version....

1. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? Steven Colbert's Americone Dream

2. What is the last movie you saw in a theater?

I dont remember. It's been months

3. Your PBnJ: Crusts on or cut off?


4. Who was your first celebrity crush and how old were you?

Valerie Bertinelli. I was about 10-12.

5. Ink pens: blue or black ink?


6. What is your favorite color?


7. If you had $100 to spend in 5 minutes, what would you buy?


8. What is your favorite cereal?

Corn Flakes

9. Choose one: A B C and tell why you picked it. B. It looks feminine....

10. Name a quote that says a lot about you.

"That Marc. He sure likes things."

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1. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?


2. What is the last movie you saw in a theater?

I don't remember.

3. Your PBnJ: Crusts on or cut off?


4. Who was your first celebrity crush and how old were you?

The Everly Brothers. The Blond one I think. I was in the 4th grade :laughing:

5. Ink pens: blue or black ink?


6. What is your favorite color?

Deep greens and blues are the colors I choose

Wont you let me go down in my dreams

And rockabye "Sweet Baby James" :D

7. If you had $100 to spend in 5 minutes, what would you buy?

Books or Music

8. What is your favorite cereal?

Rice and Corn Chex

9. Choose one: A B C and tell why you picked it.

B. I have no idea. It just moves me :D

10. Name a quote that says a lot about you.

"The time is gone, the song is over, thought Id something more to say" Pink Floyd

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1. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?

Mint chocolate chip in a cone!

2. What is he last movie you saw in a theater?

My Own Private Idaho, a couple of weeks ago

3. Your PBnJ: Crusts on or cut off?

If they're there, they're there... not a problem

4. Who was your first celebrity crush and how old were you?

I don't really remember... probably one of the Right Said Fredders when I was 6

5. Ink pens: blue or black ink?

Blue reminds me of school, so black to be rebellious

6. What is your favorite color?

all sorts of green

7. If you had $100 to spend in 5 minutes, what would you buy?

CDs! No, wait... shares!

8. What is your favorite cereal?

I used to like Froot Loops, but I'm happy with cornflakes now. Frosted Flakes are nice too, but they're just cornflakes for lazy people.

9. Choose one: A B C and tell why you picked it.

A, because I like vowels, like I like odd numbers

10. Name a quote that says a lot about you.

Hmm... on the spur of the (egocentric) moment:

Everybody's alright with me

Possibly you'll disagree

Busy bee watches the world go by

Edited by Guest
Elena made me realise something...
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1. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?


2. What is the last movie you saw in a theater?

A SouthAmerian movie you won´t have heard of.

3. Your PBnJ: Crusts on or cut off?

I hate peanut butter :stars: :stars: :stars: and not very fond of jam either... .p

4. Who was your first celebrity crush and how old were you?

Trini Lopez, at 5

5. Ink pens: blue or black ink?


6. What is your favorite color?

Pale blue or green

7. If you had $100 to spend in 5 minutes, what would you buy?

Some cheap shoes for summer, a jean and a tee-shirt.

8. What is your favorite cereal?


9. Choose one: A B C and tell why you picked it.

A.I lived in the 5ªA for 15 years.6ºA for 17 years.

10. Name a quote that says a lot about you.

Always took candy from strangers

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