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Shawna ; this can't go on any longer .Either you put it out there for Roger and tell your fiance he's second best , or I WILL NOT perform this wedding . A gentleman deserves to know what he's getting into .

P.S . That cheque was non-refundable . :laughing: :jack:

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Hey kids... got me a new e-mail account cuz hotmail sux and I can't read my mail. So if you have my old email from hotmail then delete it and check FB for my new address. If you don't do FB then PT me and I'll give it to ya. :grin:

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  • 1 month later...

After 5 years of not getting back to see family and friends, Diana and I are coming to the states for a 2 month stay; mid-May to mid-July. During this time, if we could possibly hook up with any fishies it would rank high as a major thrill on the trip!

We will be in San Jose, California, from May 16 until May 31. Then we spend 5 days in Denver, before arriving at home in central/southwest Ohio, from where we hope to take side trips of a hundred miles or so.

PM me if we might be able to hook up.


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Ok, folks...I am going to try to hang out again... after losing my parents and my daughter I'm still trying to get my act together. I'm not one to complain or anything. This stuff really hurt me... just a big deep hurt that I'll have to eventually get over. And I do and did miss alot of you... the music thing playing and stuff, I just can't do it at this time. I'm actually scared for the first time in my life about ? I'm not sure. I will try to get on here and read alot of stuff that I've missed.

Steel,(Ron) If you ever make it to Texas,stop by have a beer, maybe a joint :rolleyes:

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good to see you back here, Chutz. I'm so sorry about all your losses. We, of course, will support in any way we can! Feel free to come anytime for a good old fashioned (virtual) hug and a smile. And nice words from friends. :)

Take care of yourself.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't been around much and I'm not going to be around much because I'm graduating soon and I'm spending as much time as possible with my friends doing stupid college things. Sorry about the effect this has had on the top tens. I'll be back in a week or two.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Today is my 8 year anniversary here at SF! Though I have not been as active lately as I have been in the past, I still enjoy coming back now and again to see my old friends from the first website I ever became a member of. Long live SF!

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Cool, Marc!!!! :bow: :bow: :bow:

It will be 8 years for me in September... :cool:

I still remember how sweet you were all when I came here asking about a song... :):)

I was planning to disappear soon after I had the answer :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

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Cool! I look at my daughter and think that if my SF membership were a person, it would be going into 3rd grade! I joined when she was 4 months old.

Isn't it amazing how long some of us have been here together?...We've seen your little girl grow from a baby into a pretty young girl... :)

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