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marijuana legalization


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To me, common sense would be ok your getting stoned, which is cool and I do, but don't put your ass behind the wheel of a car, same applies to drinking. My friends and I can have a great time partyin' but we use common sense. And that is why you party at someone's house who has quite a bit of room for everyone to crash. People who don't use common sense are just stupid in my opinion.

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I think Batman is referring to the amount that has to be ingested to actually kill you....

edna, you're thinking of 'greening out'... which is where you smoke past your 'limit' and lose all touch with reality...which can be quite fun and easily cured with a pizza and a bag of cheetos :)

The thing is, this is a plant that has uses beyond what we presently think of... I mean a mood elevator alone could be valuble enough in society.

But don't worry, the Bush admin. drug czar has named marijuana the DEA's #1 target hooray!

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I don't care if you smoke it at home or with friends in a setting where there are no children around. If you want to get stoned at your house party and wreck your place - awesome! If you want to get high at the end of a hard day, put your feet up and watch some telly - go for it! If you need it to calm your nerves after something stressful, if you need it to relieve pain, it helps you sleep - all fair and good. Anything that is a negative consequence of your using it is not good. Whether it is being so relaxed that you forget to fetch your kids from school, feed the baby, turn off a tap/an oven. Whether it makes you so pain-free you fall asleep and don't wake up when your baby cries, or you get behind the wheel of a car feeling "fine" - that is a different story.

It is fine in moderation, away from anyone else it can harm and should always be used responsibly.

But I do agree alcohol is a worse issue as it is a legal drug, the warnings surrounding it are mostly ignored and I have seen and heard of it doing far more damage than a few burnt, rolled up leaves.

It's more about the person using it that worries me...

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Whether it is being so relaxed that you forget to fetch your kids from school, feed the baby, turn off a tap/an oven. Whether it makes you so pain-free you fall asleep and don't wake up when your baby cries, or you get behind the wheel of a car feeling "fine" - that is a different story.

There we totally agree... and that´s why I only smoke when it´s after 10 PM and I´m home, about to go to bed or at party with friends and the driver is a non-inhalator... :cool:

It's more about the person using it that worries me...

Et voilà! :bow: :bow: :bow:

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Never, ever, has there been a death, seizure, coma, or- any true physical negative effect from tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) . . . marijuana.

Well, when you eat it or drink it in very high amounts it can really damage your brain. I know a couple of cases...

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Holy crap holy crap holy crap holy crap

So, I was just pokin' around on the internet, following links, doing some reading... letting the internet follow the strange path of my mind (you've all done this before right?)

So I stumbled upon some interesting... and disturbing information.

Narconon... it is a popular drug rehabilitation program, the US uses it in the prison systems, the UK has it in schools, and it is also the source of a lot of anti-marijuana...facts (or lets call it propaganda) you know, marijuana and brain damage, marijuana- the gateway drug, marijuana is not commonly used... etc.

I also recall getting several lectures during my high school years from narconon officials, and getting loads of pamphlets....

are you all ready for the disturbing part?

I don't know if this is common knowledge, but it sure surprised me... but thru my stream-of-consciousness web searching I discovered that Narconon is directly affiliated with, and can be labeled as a 'front group' for the Church of Scientology!

That's right, a lot of the anti-marijuana research and 'fact' that is out on the market at the moment, has been funded and fed to the public by the Church of Scientology....

so, can I please, please, please, please legally smoke my reefer now?

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I discovered that Narconon is directly affiliated with, and can be labeled as a 'front group' for the Church of Scientology!

But of course, Scott... Narconon, in fact, works with funds from the Church of Scientology... it´s been like that for at least the last 20 years...

Funny, that so called Church is legal while pot isn´t... :cool:

I´m afraid of Narconon and the Scientologists. They have definitely damaged some of my friend´s brains much worse than the few joints they (my friends) might have smoked when they were teens.

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Yeah, I had absolutely no idea, I've always thought that it was a 'valid' rehab program... tho I question the validity of any marijuana rehab clinic :)

But I was cruising the websites, and what they report as fact and evidence are echoed back to me by every right-wing anti-marijuana militia out there

So can't we safely say that if Scientology claims marijuana to be dangerous... that it is quite safe?

Holy crap-balls, Scientology is a lot creepier than I thought

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tho I question the validity of any marijuana rehab clinic :)

Me too. There´s hardly something as "marijuana rehab"...

So can't we safely say that if Scientology claims marijuana to be dangerous... that it is quite safe?

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

In any case, it s way safer than Scientology... :cool:

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Marijuana rehab is ridiculous..

Here's a true story... turn it into an after school special if you like.

This is the story of Smott... see Smott was a brilliant student all thru highschool, and smoked marijuana off and on.. especially senior year...especially senior year, even thru all this marijuana smoked, Smott graduated the youngest in his class (16)

Then the next year, Smott had no choice but to go to a state university, as it was all poor Smott could afford- for the first couple months Smott lived in a dormroom and was forced to live with morons and guys that like to run around naked, hooray, and all of those awesome classes that Smott took were an excellent review of all the books he could read in 7th grade.

These first couple months Smott had no access to marijuana... Smott was very sad.. could this be depression resulting from a marijuana withdrawl... or possibly from having to wake up every morning and go to stupid classes with even..stupider ( :) ) classmates... lets find out

After these first couple months Smott moved into a trailer with an old high school friend and smoked massive amounts of marijuana every day... Smott's mood improved,

This ritual continued for four months, of constant marijuana use, Smott worked up the enthusiasm and determination to move to a state called... Schmodorado where he could pursue his true love, music.

Now, after this marijuana binge, Smott decided to turn his own body into an experiment, for after smoking marijuana every day (several times a day...) for four months, if there is any negative physical effect.. surely he would feel it... surely he was a marijuana addict!

Well It's now been over three months since I, er, smott last smoked marijuana, and have not had a single ache, shake or psychotic break....

You'd think that smott would have felt a symptom of withdrawal if thc was truly an addictive substance?

Oh, and I also have a mindfull of melodies from those hazy days that will be put to tape soon, free samples for everyone when they're done!

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