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What sweetens your coffee today II

Henry David

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Laurie, a couple of years ago I interviewed songwriter Billy Montana, who told me about how his oldest son got the lyrics to one of the songs he'd written tattooed on his shoulder. He said, "I mean, what are you gonna do, get aggravated that he put the words to your song on his arm? (laughs) Yeah, it’s hard to be ticked off about that."

And then a couple of weeks ago I interviewed the son, Randy Montana, and he confirmed it, because he said it's his favorite song his dad ever wrote.

Your story reminded me of that. :grin:

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Laurie, a couple of years ago I interviewed songwriter Billy Montana, who told me about how his oldest son got the lyrics to one of the songs he'd written tattooed on his shoulder. He said, "I mean, what are you gonna do, get aggravated that he put the words to your song on his arm? (laughs) Yeah, it’s hard to be ticked off about that."

And then a couple of weeks ago I interviewed the son, Randy Montana, and he confirmed it, because he said it's his favorite song his dad ever wrote.

Your story reminded me of that. :grin:

Cool! :D

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My 17-year-old kid is taking a college course at the local community college - while he's still a senior in high school. :grin: :grin: :grin:

He wants to study for the gaming certificate, and so he's taking the introductory course in the fall. He's pretty excited. And I'm about as proud as I've ever been of him. :grin: I hope he doesn't get too bored because it's just an introductory course, and that he keeps in mind it is all a step to better things...

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Still buzzing from the My Morning Jacket show. :D If any of you ever get the chance to see them live, do it.

Are they that good live? I've always wanted to see them since I love them so much but I saw them on Jimmy Fallon once and Jim James was kind of awkwardly spinning around in a cape the whole time.

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They're that good live. It was the second best show I've ever seen (taking a spot previously held by CSN and Tom Petty. Yeah, that good.) And what looked like awkwardly spinning on television is incredibly badass in person. There was some cape spinning, but all-in-all he's a fantastic frontman. Completely captivating. Like Ronnie Van Zant on acid.

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Facebook can be a good thing sometimes!...Someone from my hometown posted very old pics of the town and people from the town waaaaaay back in the day...as I was surfin through the pics I found a photo of my Dad's band with two of my uncles in the band also...I was pretty sure it was them...so when I replied back, someone did confirm it was them...


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Thanks Joe...All of my uncles have passed away..I miss them very much. My uncle Augie, (3rd from the left in the pic) Sang Daddy's Little Girl at my wedding...I will never forget that or him...he was very close to my Dad and with all us girls...My Uncle Monty is playing the banjo in this pic..which my Dad played banjo, and piano...but he's not in this pic....My Uncle Monty looks very much like my Dad in this pic...

I also had an Uncle Joe :P

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