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The Day After Tomorrow!


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Great movie for anyone who wants to see it. Its a good movie for a Friday night and you dont have much to do. This is categorized as an Action film. I really enjoyed it, but there were parts that were too futuristic, and this was supposed to be present day. They had 3d wolves put in for different parts of the movie. Great movie, parts of it would put you on the edge of your seat, and parts of it will make you think of humanity as a whole.

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Ha... I am always posting GOOD editorial cartoons on the bulletin board at work. A couple of days ago there was a cartoon that depicted a modern day SUV owner in the aftermath of "The Day After Tomorrow."

The caption beneath the editorial cartoon simply read, "Well at least now we can use our four wheel drive."


I havent seen the movie by the way. I did see the interview with Dennis Quaid on Late Night With Costello Girls Husband. :) I think he is a solid actor worth watching.

Anyway, thanks for the recommendation. :thumbsup:

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I was supposed to see it yesterday (6/1/04) but I had to stay home to watch the new puppy. My parrents owe me for this. They said the movie was alright, but by alright I mean it was ruined with my dad's "logical thinking". "Why didn't he do this, why did he do that?" That kind of stuff.

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  • 7 months later...

:coolio: [is so excited is about to wee pants] i just saw this movie yesterday and i have been wanting to see it for a while but we never did go see it or rent it because my sister never wanted to see it but FINALLY i got to see it and i just LOVE IT! i can't wait to purchase it. oooh yes [is smiling dumbly] it was beautiful. :googly:

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i dunno, i mean i thought the effects were very dramatic and impressive but dennis quaid ruined the movie for me with his wooden acting and i thought the movie overall was sensationalist (yes, that's hollywood!). however the negative effect of this is that when the movie first came out and people saw it they thought 'wow, this is scary and it could happen' but then the scientists came out (rightly so) saying that it was unrealistic and could never happen, except over a period of hundreds of years. as a result people were able to say 'phew, don't need to worry about that then' and forget about it. all the stuff about the kyoto protocol was accurate - the US have withdrawn their support for this (for capitalist and economical reasons) and let's face it, without US support it's never going to work. this movie did nothing to help the case of the environmentalist, although it was a good no-brainer.

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But truthfully...these Chaos movies are getting so much alike nowadays. They even are starting to get there own section on blockbuster.com Thats how many there are.

Is anybody seeing a resemblance in the chaos movies. And did you guys hear about the movie that came out straight to video. Its called "The Day After" Basically, a meteor hits the earth, and sends it into another ice age. Same story.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I finally watched this a couple of nights ago, after having it lying around since Christmas!

I thought it was overall quite a good film, I enjoyed it more than anything else I've watched recently. The effects were outstanding, and so realistic.

Some people may say it's just causing hype about global warming, but at the end of the day it is our doing, so whats the harm in people learning about it in a film which shows them complete disaster as a result of our actions?

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