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Computer Art


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In this thread, post any artwork you've made with the computer!

I call this one "The Couch Potato."


This one is called "Guitars"


This is one of my favorites, it's called "Too Much Phil Collins"


And there's one more I'd like to show, but I think it might be too violent for this forum. It's a monstrous, large man-woman named "Annie" holding a knife, the half eaten head of Regis Philbin, and blood dripping out of his/her mouth. I also have one that is the same, except it's Peter Gabriel's head instead of Regis'.

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Geez Batman, I wouldn't know where to even begin to do that stuff. This younger generation...sheesh!

You're good.

Wow angel so are you! I really like the look of that. I wish I were more computer savvy.

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Okay...Okay...I found something I did a while back. I put it on a t-shirt and got in trouble...so look at your own risk !!! Also...one thing...it's a rough version..I have a better looking one at home.If anyone's offended by it then take it off...but otherwise...enjoy.


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I like it, Bazooka!! :) I used to do things before the computers came on stage, using xerox copies, photographs, etc. I have a graphic designer at home (actually, my husband) but he didn´t teach me yet, so I guess I´l stick to drawing with Rotring and gouache...

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