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Pete Townshend


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Not to be rude, but this is Music Discussion, not Project Help - all comments are relevent to the discussion :D

RW knows alot about the kind of music you are asking for information about, come on Chris, add something interesting :thumbsup:

What is your project criteria? Perhaps consolidatnig all your other posts into one might bring the discussion out and make a little more sense? What are you studying, sounds like a cool class if it involves music discussion too!

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its popular music and youth culture. mine is the mods and rockers. the criteria is to put out questions on message boards as it is secondary research. if you have names of any other message boards that would be useful or whatever please let me know. i mean i could email pete townshend himself but somehow i dont think hed reply!!

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no, they weren't hippies. they were really posh and well dressed, used to wear shirts, blazers and tight trousers, that kind of thing. and they loved the who and other bands like that. and they had a huge rivalry going with the rockers, which led to some violence.

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thanks soulgirl thats right. they r def not hippies. nowt like it at all. www.modculture.com is the best to explain all in comparison to the rockers. basically it was a new decade but nothing had changed and they were bored as hell. they needed something new for their generation and so created their own music and culture. unlike the rockers who were still living back in the 50's with elvis and suchlike. the mods saw them as boring!!

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