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Your Pet Portraits


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My old neighbour used to breed pugs, they were gorgeous...

2 of them (that I remember) had heart problems all their lives, and Melissa's right about the breathing problems, all you could hear was snorting ::

Yes, and it's such a shame as pugs are the sweetest, most lovable, sensitive and empathic breeds you'll ever find.

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:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

No, she´s much too young... =:P

...but her other name comes from "rat", yes... :shades: and she´s so funny, now she´s into the bath tube (empty...) playing with ping pong balls...

I leave her alone most of the time, I´m not home during the day (I post from another computer sometimes...)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I love rabbits, man they are cute little buggers! :thumbsup: Heck, I love anything fluffy and cuddly! ::

Indeed! I love it too...! And I love to have a little three months kitty, she´s incredible... BVamp, your rabbits are so cute... I would have one at home too if I loved pets, but with the cat it´s enough! I wonder... if I had a cat, she might eat the bunny...? :shades: I never had pets, it´s easy to see... :laughing: :laughing:

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  • 8 months later...

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