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Stairway to Heaven is a great song, it's just been beaten to death.

Driving in the car in 1979, "Cool, Stairway! Turn it up, Dude!"

Driving in the car in 2004, "Oh, man, Stairway, turn the station"

It's just the sheer repetition of it.

Now, I haven't heard it in a long time, so if I were to grab the cd and stick it in with the headphones on, surely, that's a whole different story.The whole 'what's old is new' thing.

By the way, I'm jr. Welcome to Songfacts. We have Hawaiian shirt Fridays and Topless Tuesdays. Cookout every Daytona 500, rain , snow, or shine.

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jr you're absolutely right. I think for anyone to really get why Stairway is/was a great song is that you really had to be there. It was just so different, innovative. In the 70's, in my stoned days(yes I did)that song would come on and it would be Man Turn It Up!! Just like Freebird. Now I will do just as you said, turn the station. Unless the situation is right. It is a great song and in the right situation I'd still say turn it up! ::

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I'm totally in sync with you there jr, as well as feeling 'uncomfortable' about saying ' I don't like Stairway' around a group of people for whom the song hasn't reached the saturation point yet. It always requires the explanation that you have mentioned ! :P

On a slightly different note: I don't know if any of you have had this experience ( since I live in THE land of karaoke it's a little too frequent); how about when some ass chooses 'Stairway' simply because 'it's a great song, man !' and haven't even the slightest of ability to pull it off. Times like this can certainly give one an incentive to try to live a better life, because you're being given a premonition of Hell ! :: :help:

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It was innovative for it's time. Zeppelin was huge, then they had this huge album, almost instantly, it was one of those albums that every song was a good song. A great song, in fact. And Stairway to Heaven was the centerpiece.

You had to be there. Sorry, but it's the truth. You just had to be there, when it was happening. In that time, in that place. That's the best explanation I can give.

And, the Cyberkitty is right. The solo. Put on the headphones, and when it gets to the solo, listen to just the guitar, nothing else. It's a masterpiece.

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I like the way it gradually builds from the simple acoustic melody to that awesome solo and I also really like Plant's vocals. I just think it's a unique, powerful song, though not my favorite Zeppelin tune.

I'm 16 so I haven't heard it as often as a lot of people, but I understand how hearing it over and over kind of wrecked it for some.

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Thank you jr. The 70's were just such a different time. people were different. the times were very different. And no drugs weren't the reason the song was great, that's just stupid(I don't mean you). I wasn't some cheech and chong "hey man, cool song dude, turn it up" while I was passing out. It's reasonable that you won't understand but it really was the times. That song was the centerpiece for not just one album but for a whole thoughtful kind of thing in music, while still being a rockin song. I don't know I can't explain it, you really had to be there.

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I guess for some of us younger people...we like it so much cause of all of the older people who like it....how they say its the greatest Led Zeppelin song or for that matter the greatest Classic Rock song of all time. The guitar used in that solo was a double-necked 6/12 1968 Gibson EDS-1275(live version)....and to this day...that guitar is popular and expensive because it was played in Stairway...its those little things that make it popular.

For some of the older people...When Stairway first started...it was the Theme Song for ALL OF THE PROMS across the US and probably England and maybe even other places. Maybe its popular cause they want that memory back.

Is it my favorite...no...is it overplayed...yes. But its a song in my Vault...and its the song that started me on my way to Classic Rock. It has a special place in my heart. Tear Tear :puppyeyes:::

That....and the kick-ass solo!

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I remember the first time I heard Stairway, back in the 70's. My first thought was it's a great song. Period.

Sometimes music needs not be defined. Just listen.

The paradox of a great song is it's repetition and ultimitately, it becoming pop.

Such is life, like a brand new white tuxedo. One can't wait to get it but once it is used one is scared of getting it dirty.

One thing's for sure and too for certain; I'd rather grow tired of a great song than never hearing it at all.

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I still remmember the first time I heard that song somewhere in the 80s. It blew my freaking mind away. It's a freaking great song.

Reminds me of the post about Dylan's Rolling Stone being the best song ever. I don't know what is it about that song, but it's one of my favs too. I can't explain it. Everything, the progression, the choice of instruments, sound and silence, the performance, lyrics... everything comes together into a single great song.

btw, I could not care less about the magazine.

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