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Yes, my week is now shot:

Sundays - "24"

Mondays - "Arrested Development"

Tuesdays - "Nip/Tuck"

Wednesdays - "Lost"

Thursdays - "Scrubs" and "My Name Is Earl", I think. "Earl" may very well suck, but I am a huge Jason Lee fan.

OK, this isn't funny. I am more than a little scared. Except for 24, you have just described my exact lineup, including the Jason Lee show.

Will you be my new best friend, daslied?

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I'm not opposed to "24"...I just missed the first season and hate to start watching something mid-stream. Although I suppose "24" wouldn't be that hard to catch up on. I've only really missed 4 days, right? LOL.

I didn't watch the first season of "Arrested Development", but I plan on it through DVD. I've just gotten into it this past year. If you dig that sort of dry humor, it is absolutely hysterical. I haven't found anyone else who quite "gets it". I've also been in love with Jason Bateman since the age of 14, so that doesn't hurt, either.

Here's the true test of our potential upcoming future as best friends..."Family Guy" - yes or no?

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Each season of "24" is essentially the same, but it's just good mindless entertainment. You could catch up pretty easily.

"Arrested Development" is, in my opinion, the best show in the history of tv. Better than "Seinfeld", "Cheers" or any drama. Dry humor is my middle name. And I think I've had a big boy crush on Jason Bateman since "Silver Spoons"...though I think Gob is my favorite on the show. Or Tobias.

"Family Guy"...yes, growing on me quickly. BFF?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I've loved everything so far.

"Arrested Development" has really grown on me. It's one freak moment after the other.

"Earl" was hysterical. "You're trying to sell a cat to a man who fancies dogs." :laughing: I knew Jason wouldn't fail me. God, I love that man.

And "Nip/Tuck" is the most raunchy, foul thing I've seen on basic TV...so of course it is my favorite. :thumbsup:

But I'd give it all up for "Lost". I haven't been this geeked about anything since the beginning of "The X Files".

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My favorite "Earl" moment was when they ran out of the guy's house when they found out he was gay. The shot went to a wide angle showing them tearing out of the house, and he said "I guess the running was unnecessary". Brilliant.

The whole "Mama" thing on "Nip/Tuck" was incredibly depressing, but the music was wonderful. "Dance Me To The End Of Love" by Madeleine Peyroux, a cover of the Leonard Cohen song, was used brilliantly when they were getting her out of the house. Madeleine is from your parts, Peaches. Geographically speaking.

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Lost. Yay!!! Seems like forever since last season's finale. Peaches, I'm Jonesin' real bad.

Did anyone see the 2 hour premeir of Threshold last Friday? I missed it due to a family reunion and forgot to tape it. Any good? fill me in.

Surface wasn't all that bad. I expected it to be bad but it was ok. The premeir borrowed heavily from Close Encounters ot The Third Kind. Minor events occurring around the world. Many principals being drawn to one location. But the pace was excellent and the segues were smooth. Good cast. I'll watch again until it disappoints me.

Criminal Minds airs tomorrow night with Mandy (Yentl) Patinkin and my wife's cousin, Kirsten (very pretty and quite chubby) in a recurring small role. I'll watch.

Any other new shows worth catching?

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The whole "Mama" thing on "Nip/Tuck" was incredibly depressing, but the music was wonderful. "Dance Me To The End Of Love" by Madeleine Peyroux, a cover of the Leonard Cohen song, was used brilliantly when they were getting her out of the house. Madeleine is from your parts, Peaches. Geographically speaking.

Poor Mama. I love the music on that show...it's almost its own character. I did, however, want to throw a brick through my TV last season. They played that damned Art Garfunkel song "All I Know" for the last 10 minutes of the finale. It really took me out of the moment because I was so annoyed by the song. But I agree about the song last night. I'm familiar with Madeleine...what a smooth voice. A good old Athens girl. :thumbsup:

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They used "Vibrate" by Rufus Wainwright on an episode last season; maybe the one with Christian and the blind chick? Great use of the song.

That's another reason I love "Lost" so much. They've used:

Damien Rice ("Delicate") - Hurley's CD player dies

Willie Nelson ("Are You Sure") - survivors split into groups (beach/caves)

Blind Boys Of Alabama ("I Shall Not Walk Alone") - when Sayid left after torturing Sawyer. That was my favorite music choice so far.

I want that to be my job.

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Agreed. In the last few weeks, since I wasn't watching the reruns, I started questioning whether the show was actually as good as I thought during the initial run.

My fears were gone after the opening scene. Wowie-wow-wow.

My wife has been terrified of Ethan since he first got all creepy, and now I think we're both scared sh*tless of Walt.

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Oh, God, it's so good. It's just too much to process. I taped it, so I'll have to watch it a few hundred more times before next week. I've been on the Lost-TV message boards and they have some really interesting theories and observations about the episode. If you scroll down to the bottom, you'll see the featured topic is last night's episode, "Man of Science, Man of Faith".

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I am avoiding those things like the Plague. I don't want to read anything that makes sense, or anything those involved with the show have said.

I want the show to end so I know the whole story, but I also want it to go on forever. My biggest fear is being let down by the ending, so I'm hoping to be pleasantly surprised.

I need to get the first season DVD, but I'm scared to learn any secrets...

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:evil laugh: I knew I'd get to you.

The man was Shannon's father. His last name is Rutherford...so is hers. Boone said that her father died in a car crash. It seems as if everyone on the island has had some previous connection with each other. Jack chose to work on Sara (his future wife) instead of Mr. Rutherford. He killed Shannon's daddy.

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