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SF Fantasy Baseball 2014


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Update: it seems the Australian games were played already on March 22, and Yahoo! is going to make week 1 from that date until April 6th. That being the case, we have already missed week one and have until then to get our league in order, Can Am , so no need to pull the trigger soon on the draft date , unless you want to.

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We now have 8 teams in the head to head league with the additions of Kev, Sammy and Rayzor. We have 5 teams for the points league.

I sent a message to Carl but have not heard back about his intentions. I think RonJon is the only one left to register.

I'll hold off on the draft until Friday since, as Kevin pointed out, there really isn't a big rush. I'll try to get in touch with Carl again.

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I just heard from Carl, and I think he's interested in participating. If he signs up for the head-to-head league, than Ron can join and we'll have 10 teams which should make for an interesting competition.

If Carl signs up, we'll have everyone on board who expressed an interest in playing, so I'll activate the draft.

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It looks like everyone is in. We have 10 teams for the head-to-head league and 8 for the points league. If there are no objections, I'll activate the draft tomorrow or Thursday.

Good luck everyone!!! :thumbsup:

And Sammy, your team names are a hoot!


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If it's all the same to you,CanAm, and everyone else, can we wait until Sunday evening (March 30th ), or at least the weekend? I really have been swamped and need a little time to look at the list as well as just to remember who is still playing now and for what teams, along with our scoring system ! Another year older and a bit slower, after all … :)

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Sorry Kev, but the autodraft has already taken place.

I just checked this morning and the rosters have been selected.

I like my points team but hate, hate, hate my head-to'head

team. I really don't like the autodraft system. I participated in some mock live drafts yesterday and each one took less than one hour even if there were 12 people participating.

It might be something to consider next year. Under the autodraft system you can have players who aren't even eligible to play selected to your team or have a pitching staff comprised primarily of relievers instead of starting pitchers.

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We appear to be counting in both leagues as of today. Not sure if week 1 will count for us or not then. I originally thought not, but can someone confirm ?

Also, Can Am, I think we have only one DL position per team-was this your original plan? Please confirm if I'm right about that. If so, I really think we need 2 at least (or 3). Players go down like flies in MLB, sometimes a number of times over the season or for lengthy stretches. Would hate to have to drop good guys soon because there is no space for them. :)

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  • 5 months later...

Playoffs start this week in head to head, folks, so get your teams in order if you haven't been watching them them carefully lately. The top 6 teams play for the championship, and since the standings were rather tight this season, it's anyone's to take/lose with a couple good/bad weeks. Well worth a look considering the length of the season.

The last 4 teams get a bye this week , but will get a consolation playoff starting next week. May as well take a minute to see if you can keep or improve your standing overall as well.

The points league has no playoff and just continues to calculate points until the last regular season game.

Good luck all! :laugh: :popcorn:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks guys! My points team was surprisingly turbo charged this season (sorry) but our head to head league and playoffs were very exciting.

Congrats to Ian and Phil for second and third in head to head, and Sammy as the consolation winner. Congrats also to Ian and Carl for second and third in the points league. One more day and Phil may have sneaked into third there as well!

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