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Just a little girl singing the words she wrote in her little girls diary last night. ::

That's close.....

She's a little sneery girl singing the words that a couple dudes wrote in her diary while she was in the room so that she could say that she helped co-write the words in her little girl's diary.


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Oh sammy, I'm disappointed! :( I love Satriani. However, you have redeemed yourself with that Lavigne chick. What is she? Just a little girl singing the words she wrote in her little girls diary last night. ::

Actually, I just used those three names because of Batman's list, to get a laugh. Satriani is a great guitarist, but his songs are really long and boring. I've never even heard a song by Polyphonic Spree. And Avril Lavigne, I, personally, am going to beat to death with an empty tequila bottle.

:afro: :afro: :afro:

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I can't figure why sporks haven't become a standard utensil. They are genius - You can eat your soup and your salad without changing utensils! ::

I agree but don't stop there. Why not make the spork's handle like the end of a butter knife with a serrated edge and you got it all.

I've always thought that sporks work great for grabbing the noodles in soup.

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I agree but don't stop there. Why not make the spork's handle like the end of a butter knife with a serrated edge and you got it all.
Because then you wouldn't be able to grab the it.

I've always thought that sporks work great for grabbing the noodles in soup.

I always eat soup with a fork.

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I agree but don't stop there. Why not make the spork's handle like the end of a butter knife with a serrated edge and you got it all.
Because then you wouldn't be able to grab it.

I've always thought that sporks work great for grabbing the noodles in soup.

I always eat soup with a fork.

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Okay, it?s all set. We?re gonna turn this Avril beatdown into a massive blowout. I?ve rented a banquet hall. It?s a cozy little place in Scranton, PA., not far from the PA Turnpike. Cyberdemon will bring the empty tequila bottles and plastic sporks. Yes, Dave, full bottles would work better, but we?re not gonna waste precious tequila upside that skank?s head. We will not abuse our alcohol!. For anyone wishing to fill theirs with water or kerosene, there will be tanks available near the bar.

I have ordered 500 professionally forged, titanium alloy sporks. We will be expecting at least a thousand people to show up, so these finely crafted instruments of destruction will be handed out to the first 500 guests ages 12 and up. And I know everyone will want to ?Bring Your Daughter to the Slaughter?, so for the kids, there will be 500 one-quarter scale models of these brilliant pieces of memorabilia. Sporks are great fun for all ages.

I figure we can lure Avril there by telling her that she?s receiving a lifetime achievement award (Ha!) from the Youth Clubs of America, or something like that. We?ll have her agent attend (I have a special extra large tequila bottle for this schmuck). And maybe we can even get a couple of the Hanson brothers or those fruits from N?Sync there. Wouldn?t that be a party!? We would need a fallguy to be the MC (I wonder what Michael Bolton?s doing that week; he could use a few metal sporks to the eyeballs).

I believe Avril has three or four brothers who are hockey players, so we?ll need to neutralize them. We don?t want to hurt them because, I?m sure, they had nothing to do with her career. Anyone with any ideas on how to stall these punks, please contribute. Thank you.

And then, after the beatdown has been carried out, we will all (including the kids) have a nice sit-down dinner. There will be soup, salad, and hors d?ouvres. You will have your choice of chicken parmesan, roast beef, or the vegetarian plate (no dairy). I?m not sure what comes with the ?vegetarian plate?, but I recommend the chicken.

And any sporks not stuck in the limp bodies of our ?special guests? are yours to keep. These will help to bring back all those glorious memories of ?the night the rockers struck back?. These are memories that will be handed down from generation to generation.

So, everybody, please, come in droves to Scranton, Pennsylvania, for what should be the event of the century. Because Canada is Avril?s home country, any Canadians attending will receive a free T-shirt with a maple leaf with the words ?I Was There? emblazoned across the front, and, on the back, a picture of ?our guest? being accosted with a bottle of Cuervo Gold. A professional photographer will be on hand to immortalize this day in full color. Photographs will cost extra, but all the proceeds will go to charity.

Rock on, and hope to see you there.

:afro: :afro: :afro: :afro: :afro:

:jester: :jester: :jester: :jester: :jester:

Remember, of course, this is all in fun. :jester: :jester:

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LMAO!!! :jester: :jester:

Sammy I hurt my head when the chair fell backwards, and smeared my make-up from the tears rolling down my face! Now I've got to do it over, I have a work meeting to attend. You neglected to give us the date- I'll have to get a vacation day! ::

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