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Fahrenheit 911


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What I think gets peoples panties in a bunch about Kerry and the military is that yes, he did serve in Vietnam and got medals (which themselves are a source of controversy), but upon his return, he was vocally anti war. He spoke of "atrocitys" he had taken part in and had seen, and said he was ashamed. It was his right as an American to say whatever he felt. His anti war talk, though, added fuel to the fire for the anti war protesters who made things very unpleasant for soldiers returning home from their service (which was for many, unvoluntary)over seas. The soldiers were told that they should not wear their uniforms in public back home, since they would be spat on and called "baby killers."

What bothers many Vietnam vets about Kerry is that now, after all of his anti war speach and denouncing of soldiers who served in Vietnam, he is trying to portray himself as war hero. He is playing up to the feelings of patriotism that are present now in the US, that were absent in the Vietnam era. I could see how this could leave a bad taste in a vetrans mouth who was aware of Kerry's past actions. Evidently this upset some of the officers he served with in the Navy enough to speak out against Kerry. They do not want him to have it both ways.

Please check out these links:




Hope this is of intrest to all.

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So going to the war makes him a hero? What a joke. That doesn't mean s***.

CD....any soldier of our armed services who goes to war is a hero. That would include Mr. Kerry. As far as his medals go, he earned them therefore he could do what he wants with them, he protested what he had returned from, and did not protest what America stood for but it's government's involvement in a war.

Now while I don't agree with all of his actions of that time, he was within his rights to protest and did nothing illegal. Lastly, Mr. Kerry was indeed a hero who served his country well.

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Really? So if I went to war for 4 months, screwed around trying to make myself famous, self-inflicted my wound (more than likely), scammed my ranking officer into nominating me for an award (which he later regrets), then come back to protest the war, in which I just used to gain status? That makes you a hero?

Kerry is a tool. The real heros are the ones to were in the front lines, and served 3 and 4 tours.

BTW, nice job taking my quote out of context, a true liberal you are.

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'Screwed around'???!!!!!

Okay I didn't really want to bring this up, but who do you think 'screwed around' more during 'Nam, Georgie, or Kerry.

The man that maybe attended his Guard service.


The man that Definately attended his Navy service.

Also the fact that you're taking all of your 'info' directly from those ads, that have been dismissed as malicious, untruthful, pure propaganda (and from the guy always crying 'Oh oh oh oh but that's propaganda, it's bad boohoo')

The only decent republican(and probably the greatest senator as well) in the senate despises those ads and so should you.

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Face it lads, you are never going to find a 'clean' citizen of rational character and life experience, as such a person is not likely to want to run for office in any Government.

If one of your politicians were to lay his/her cards on the table early on in the race, admit all dodgy business deals, drugs taken, clothing stained, conflicts dodged, medals not earned, B-movies starred in etc, wouldn't they stand a better chace of being elected?


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Surely then a politician 'coming clean' (apologies to supporters of B.Clinton) would be a breath of fresh air. Our 'Teflon Tony' uses this tactic at the first sign of trouble in all matters Governmental, and it seems to work ok for him as the electorate responds well to a bit of humility. His success however depends upon him not tripping up....


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So if I went to war for 4 months, screwed around trying to make myself famous, self-inflicted my wound (more than likely), scammed my ranking officer into nominating me for an award (which he later regrets), then come back to protest the war, in which I just used to gain status? That makes you a hero? Kerry is a tool. The real heros are the ones to were in the front lines, and served 3 and 4 tours.

Are you referring to Kerry in your statement? If so, you need to get your facts straight. Kerry served two tours in Vietnam and to the best of my knowledge I do not recall him shooting himself. He served from 1968 to 1970 after volunteering for service in 1966 prior to graduating at Yale.

One other question....why do you think Kerry was not a hero and instead to you he is a tool? He volunteered to serve in Nam, saved another from sure death without regard for his own life, and came back and voiced opposition to a war that was a mistake. There were thousands of soldiers who came back and did the same (opposed the war). They were all heroes.

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Really? So if I went to war for 4 months, screwed around trying to make myself famous, self-inflicted my wound (more than likely), scammed my ranking officer into nominating me for an award (which he later regrets), then come back to protest the war, in which I just used to gain status? That makes you a hero?

Kerry is a tool. The real heros are the ones to were in the front lines, and served 3 and 4 tours.

BTW, nice job taking my quote out of context, a true liberal you are.

Wow sounds like you are reading the republican talking points(propaganda) because that is the same thing I hear ever day on Fox.

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Face it lads, you are never going to find a 'clean' citizen of rational character and life experience, as such a person is not likely to want to run for office in any Government.

Amen, brother!!

The president (rightly so) is not running on being a war hero. SOMEONE in his campaign is too smart to even try that! I think Mr Kerry, who is using his war record heavily in his campaign, is opening himself up to some potentially damning information.

This is going to be a interesting election year...Oh, by the way, Ralph Nader did not receive enough signatures to make the ballots in California. His people that were working in public on getting the signatures got tired of being threatened by democrats that said "Nader would be taking away votes from Kerry."

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The president (rightly so) is not running on being a war hero. SOMEONE in his campaign is too smart to even try that!

Someone in his campaign would have to be pretty stupid to try that......especially since Bush never went past the U.S. borders during wartime in the sixties.

Washington, T. Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Bush, Sr., and other presidents.....their commonality is they were all war heroes! I also recall reading there was a large movement to get MacArthur to run as well. I think the republican ads that appeared last week downplaying Kerry's wartime service to the point where they practically called it lies was shameful. I am republican myself and was quite ashamed of how the party was reckless in their ad. Just another reason for me to cross party lines this year.

With regards to Nader.....I thought Nader's folks were questioned about the authenticity of signatures as in a couple of other states.

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With regards to Nader.....I thought Nader's folks were questioned about the authenticity of signatures as in a couple of other states.

Could be in other states, but the the threat story is what I had heard here in Ca. The story did come from the media, so I would consider that a dubious source, at best...

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