miamisammy29 Posted August 11, 2016 Report Posted August 11, 2016 Never saw it.Name your favorite "Breaking Bad" character.
Otokichi Posted August 12, 2016 Report Posted August 12, 2016 I never saw that series because I considered it an INSULT to public school teachers. (So sue me.;)Name an ideal President and Vice-President ticket. (Instead of The Devil or The Deep Blue Sea choices we have today.:(
miamisammy29 Posted August 12, 2016 Report Posted August 12, 2016 I can see your point there. Would you happen to BE a public school teacher?Al Gore and Rudy Giuliani (he was a Democrat before; he could become one again)Name who you would vote for, if you HAD TO vote for one or the other......Donald Trump or a block of swiss cheese?
Otokichi Posted August 13, 2016 Report Posted August 13, 2016 The block of Swiss cheese wouldn't end all life on earth during a temper tantrum.*To answer the question, my parents were public school teachers who graduated during the Depression of the 1930's, endured separation during dad's stint with the 442nd RCT in World War II, then had to beg to be rehired by the Territory of Hawaii Department of Public Instruction for leaving his post as Agriculture teacher at Aiea Elementary and Intermediate school. They've left for the celestial public school a while back, regretting that their kids didn't feel the "call of the classroom."Name the most likely way the world will end once "Der Furore" is crowned in Washington, D.C.
Carl Posted August 16, 2016 Report Posted August 16, 2016 He insists that the wall be 800 feet high. It is built, but the weight of it collapses the border with Mexico, and both countries cave in. This displaces the oceans, and rising waters flood all remaining land masses.Name a sport that should be in the Olympics, but isn't.
Otokichi Posted August 16, 2016 Report Posted August 16, 2016 Easy, Inuit Blanket Toss! (A team sport for the Winter Olympics, of course, held in, say, Spitzbergen.Name a TV-friendly Olympic sport that should replace Golf. (The sport of corrupt dictators, criminals, scuzzy professionals, and retired "sports figures.")
miamisammy29 Posted August 16, 2016 Report Posted August 16, 2016 Baseball should absolutely be in the Olympics!Name something large and shiny.
Otokichi Posted August 17, 2016 Report Posted August 17, 2016 Your prom date's nose! (Which is why she ran off to the powder room and never came back.;) *Baseball was given a trial run at the Olympics, but members of the British Commonwealth would say: Give Us Cricket! (But that would put viewers to sleep.;) Name something wet, deep, and Green!
miamisammy29 Posted August 17, 2016 Report Posted August 17, 2016 A lime slushie Name your favorite possession that you didn't have to pay for.
Otokichi Posted August 18, 2016 Report Posted August 18, 2016 My "old grey 1991 Nissan E" that gets me hither and yon.;) Name/post YOUR "Summer Playlist." (Politicians are doing it, so why not you?)
miamisammy29 Posted August 18, 2016 Report Posted August 18, 2016 Way too many to list, but tons by the Stones and Kinks. Name your favorite song that we might hear on Top 40 radio TODAY.
Otokichi Posted August 21, 2016 Report Posted August 21, 2016 (edited) I tried, but boredom kept setting in. Apple Music tried to rope me in, but I'd read that AM scans your iTunes music library, takes everything in your Library parks it on The Cloud, and plays them back to you, the former owner. (No thanks, Cupertino, these .mp3s were gathered from music CDs I bought, and you can't have any of them!) Ryan Seacrest does "Top 40"? (Yeah, right!) ACCURadio was the next stop, and I selected "Surprise Me" to "keep it random." What I got was "Taylor Swift and Friends." After 4 songs, I decided that I didn't like Taylor Swift or her friends. I selected "Top 40" and "Surprise Me" again. The HitKast Listener's Top 100 got as far as Yo Gotti and The Chainsmokers before boredom set in again. (I'm not a fan of Hip Hop.) So, what is my favorite song that you'll have to got to Youtube to find? It's: Eva Cassidy - "Over The Rainbow" Name something out of YOUR Top 40 favorites, if you dare.;) Edited August 23, 2016 by Otokichi Modern music sounds mechanical and lacks Soul,,,;(
miamisammy29 Posted August 22, 2016 Report Posted August 22, 2016 I like that new one by the Jonas Brother (not sure which one) and his new band...."Cake By The Ocean". Name your favorite Frankie Valli/Four Seasons song? (Come on...everybody likes at least ONE.)
Otokichi Posted August 23, 2016 Report Posted August 23, 2016 (edited) I remember that "Sherry," "Big Girls Don't Cry," and "Rag Doll" got extensive AM radio airplay when computers were the size of houses. But these days, it's gotta be: Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons - "Walk Like A Man" Name a song that brought you to tears when you heard it on the radio. (Does it still make you "tear up"?;) Edited August 23, 2016 by Otokichi Bradley Manning, Bruce Jenner...
miamisammy29 Posted August 26, 2016 Report Posted August 26, 2016 "Gone Away" - The Offspring......Yes. Name a movie role YOU would've liked to have played. (Not including Rambo, of course.)
Otokichi Posted August 27, 2016 Report Posted August 27, 2016 Mr. Miyagi If you have cable TV, name your favorite non-network TV show. (If you're stuck with over-the-air digital TV, name your network TV fave.;)
miamisammy29 Posted September 8, 2016 Report Posted September 8, 2016 Reruns - "Married....With Children" Current cable - "Better Call Saul" Current network - "Lucifer" Name your favorite talk show host of all-time. (You have about a thousand from which to choose.)
Otokichi Posted September 9, 2016 Report Posted September 9, 2016 Join or Die Close second: The Tonight Show with Steve Allen.;) Name your current favorite movie, from Silent to 3-D.
miamisammy29 Posted September 9, 2016 Report Posted September 9, 2016 Always has been, always will be "Animal House". Name your favorite movie from the last five years (or so).
Otokichi Posted September 10, 2016 Report Posted September 10, 2016 (edited) Wreck-it Ralph! *I saw it listed on what used to be the ABC Family channel and wondered if it was any good. A sweet movie that won't put you in a diabetic coma, that features memorable characters will always be on my movie radar. (No, I never played any arcade video games, preferring the "Space Quest" and LucasArts computer games of the 1980's. I was a TIE killer in "X-Wing," a big fan of "Wing Commander," and the "Indiana Jones" RPGs.;) Name YOUR recent favorite movie! Edited September 10, 2016 by Otokichi Let's hear it for "The Glitch"!
miamisammy29 Posted September 15, 2016 Report Posted September 15, 2016 "Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo", that's not recent enough... From 2016, I liked "Whiskey Tango Foxtrot". I always liked the "Harold and Kumar" trilogy....for obvious reasons. But I think my favorite from the last few years is "Lincoln" know, the one where he kills vampires. Name the most expensive thing you've ever touched.
Otokichi Posted September 16, 2016 Report Posted September 16, 2016 A Datsun 280Z! (Teutonic driving machines leave me cold/;) Name the most interesting person/place/thing you've encountered in your life.
miamisammy29 Posted December 5, 2016 Report Posted December 5, 2016 Place - Fenway Park Thing - 2-ton African elephant Person - "Sh*tty Ed" Kolankiewicz Name something that you 'd like to catch (or have already caught).
MindCrime Posted December 5, 2016 Author Report Posted December 5, 2016 I'd like to catch a football at an NFL game (but it's rare) Name something you would do if stuck on an elevator.
Otokichi Posted December 6, 2016 Report Posted December 6, 2016 (edited) Whistle/sing Feliz Navidad. (Sticking it to Der Furore's Anglo hordes.;) Name something that you'd like for Christmas. Edited December 6, 2016 by Otokichi Feliz Navidad, Prosper Año y Felicidad...
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