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Tom Chambers (retired basketball player) you guys have probably never heard of him. He signed a beer cozy for me when I met him at the bar at a Phoenix Suns game.

Name somebody famous you've seen in real life before (or even met).


Wayne Gretzky

A friend and I won a trip to L.A. & laced up the skates for a pick-up game. Marty McSorley, the Kings enforcer was there also & he was great to speak with. Fun day! :thumbsup:

How about you?


There was a tree next to the garage that I was scared of because I thought Freddy Kruger was hiding out in there.

Name a place in your neighborhood as a kid you loved to go to


Snyder's ~ a corner store in my neighborhood that had a Ms. PacMan, Centipede, Space Invaders arcade games, and all the penny candy you could hold in the pockets of those God-awful school uniforms.

Name a sport you tried out for but didn't make the team

Posted (edited)


I throw side-arm & 3/4 arm but my fastball was too slow, my fork was inconsistent but I threw a decent knuckler. My biggest problem was plunking guys with my curve & I had no longevity (20 - 30 pitches).

Name a sport you excelled in.

Edited by Guest
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