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Everything posted by Danielj

  1. I want that one really badly!
  2. My parents will probably buy it. They have all of those Bing Crosby oes etc. I like Sinatra.
  3. When i first heard Tony Joe White, I thought he would be a huge black man. I got the opposite but whatever. What a deep voice. POLK....... Salad Annie!
  4. I don't know what's up with this guy. I was playing Rush in the dressing room and said they had the greatest drummer of all time. Then some guy said no way man he sucks. Mike Portnoy all the way. What the hell? Of the songs I've heard he definetly isn't anything special. Am I missing something, because this is not the first time I've heard that. Mike Portnoy is Dream Theater's drummer by the way.
  5. I prefer Nine Inch nails version. Johnny sounds like a dying frog. Which was more or less what he was.
  6. Danielj


    Well if Good Charlotte mis there, I'm gone. I think they and Avril arethe most hated band of songfacts!
  7. I can't believe no-one said Lithium So I will Lithium-Nirvana
  8. I just finished reading No One Here Gets Out Alive, Jim Morrison's biography. Wonderful Read by the way. Anyway, just wondering about what people think about his death. No Autopsy, No Doctor or Police Signature, No-one saw his dead body but Pamela Courson. Apparently. Is he really dead?
  9. Danielj


    What exactly Is it? I gather that it is a genre of ...rock... music? Any examples? Early Thank You
  10. Any band that call themselves impotent aren't very smart oe talented in my books.
  11. You sound 100% legal!hahaha
  12. Well, i don't like your influences but I like your stuff.
  13. Anything Jim Carrey. Last week it was Ace Ventura, and just last night Liar Liar.
  14. Echoes-Pink Floyd, too much background music. You can't appreciate it it the car.
  15. Wll that is how it is on Echoes their greatest hits. It goes well with the scream
  16. Thats funny, I just finished reading No One Here Gets Out Alive. Jim Morrison's Biography. Wonderful read. The Doors of Course. From Venice, California. 1)Lost One Lead Guitarist To a Solo act that didn't go anywhere 2)Lost Drummer to heroin 3)Only 5 albums released
  17. Over The Byrds? I think not!
  18. Ohh, The Aussies played this one too and went strait into Another Brick In The Wall part 2. It was KILLER
  19. Hy-Po-Crite I like Dream Theater CD. They rock hard man
  20. Probably Not, But there are a lot more Canadians Who Think America Sucks. And judging by the population, That is quite a feat
  21. Yes probably But I know I'm not the only one who thinks Rob Zombie sucks
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