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Cool links and sites II

The Seeker

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what is it you do, Sue? I've always wondered... I don't mean your company - that's obvious. What do you do?

BTW, I enjoyed the podcast! You guys have fun, methinks. If you ever need some American teenagers to test your games for feedback, I've got a gang of 'em at my disposal! GTA is one of my son's favorite games. And yours looks like one he'd love.

Thanks for the interest Shawna :) I manage an ever-growing elite squad of QA (quality assurance software testing) ninjas :) My calendar is pretty much booked up with meetings with the rest of the teams in the company (Designers, Producers, Artists etc), I hire and fire, I train and motivate - I do quite a lot that often goes unappreciated, but working on a team, it all goes towards an end goal.

Our company founder is actually the mastermind behind the original Grand Theft Auto (as well as Lemmings and many others). Cheers for asking :)

And thanks Martin - it is looking really amazing from my side too :D

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Speaking of PETA, I was a vegetarian for quite a few years (health reasons, not because I bought into their spiel). Just stopped eating meat one day and then about 7 years later, ate a hamburger. Didn't really miss it to be honest, and even now I could quit eating meat again and it wouldn't be a big deal.

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