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Great old arcade games


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There was another one for Nintendo, I think it was the Legend of Zelda or something like that that sucked you in and you played and played going from level to level, then your brother-in-law brings over Mega Man and you played and played, going from level to level and while you were busy accomplishing what really amounts to absloutely nothing, the Japanese done bought up all of Vancouver and two-thirds of British Columbia. Then Christmas comes around and you haul out the mini-lights that you paid top buck for last Holiday season, and three-quarters of the strings fail to illuminate. So you spend weekends on end flicking each and every lamp in the string and just before you give up and cut them to licorice sized chunks, it flicks on for a split-second giving you false hope and keeping you flicking and flicking. Then you get frustrated and go to Home Hardware and purchase one of those electronic guns that guarantees to get the string going and you find out the gun is of the same quality as plastic vomit, and you realize that while you were doing these monumentally unimportant tasks, the Japanese done bought up all the prime real-estate in Toronto.

Yup. Legend of Zelda. They got even for Hiroshima and Nagasaki....

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I remember enjoying ' Adventure ' on the old Atari (64? ) system . Cheesy graffics - 'you' were a square , but for the time , fantastic !

Any 'Asteroids ' or 'Asteroids II ' players out there ?

'Crazy Climber ' , anyone ? :)

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2600 ! That's what I was trying to remember . No , MC , I'm sure the 'Adventure' you are refering to was the up-to-4 player ( an Elf , wizard, fighter and thief (? ) ) game where you went into a maze and wasted hordes of creatures trying to get at you trapped behind walls unil you let them loose by blasting them .

Atari 2600 had a game called 'Adventure ' which was a solo thing with 4 dragons , castles , treasures ,and keys only -Though I think the game you mentioned above was a sophistocated version of it, and perhaps released by Atari . Check it out .

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*starts doing the D.K. rap* :P

I played Mario Kart 64 a lot, and I mean a lot with my dad and brothers. That's just the best multiplayer game ever. :P

I was addicted to that. I was still in elementary school when that one came out, and when I got a Nintendo I suddenly had two times as many friends as before. I still wonder why... :P

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I remember stuffing enough quarters into the Tetris machine to wipe out the debt of Zimbabwe. Eyes as big as dinner plates, a heartrate somewhere in the upper stratosphere and trembling like a heroin junkie.

Tetris!! :doh: :doh: Me and my best friend were really hooked on Tetris by the late 80s and early 90s...it´s more addictive than heroin or cigarettes or even Songfacts... :P

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Agreed . Shapes falling down to be logically placed reminded me more of a MENSA test rather than pure , liberated and silly fun ...Apparently, the designer was East Block Soviet - go figure !

Edna and Ken must be geniuses and get their cranks turned from logical puzzles , I guess . :D

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