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wonderful memories...


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A few months ago when I was going through an unhappy time, I found it helped me to write in my journal about a good memory I had. Every night I would write about a memory of an experience that made me smile, due to what it was, who I was with, whatever.

So, like the photo thread of the cute creatures that make us smile, here's an outlet of a different form: words. Anytime you need a lift, you can come back here and write another happy memory - or just read others. :)

I'll start with the night I picked up Brad at the airport the first time :grin: His flight was 1 1/2 hours late, so the tension was unbearable! I was so nervous! I wasn't sure if he'd recognize me, so I'd taken the CD cover of Roger that I use as my avatar and held it up in front of me :grin:

And when he did come down the walkway, I knew him immediately ~ and I felt so comfortable right away... no weirdness, no awkwardness... more like, "I've been waiting for you for 43 years, where have you been?" :grin:

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A memory that I thought of as soon as I saw this thread was Thanksgiving of 2002. I was having relationship problems and it looked like I would be alone for the holiday. I called my parents in Florida and my Mom said you are coming down. She got me a ticket 4 days before Thanksgiving and I left that morning at 7am out of Columbus and touched down in Tampa at around 9:30, in time for Thanksgiving dinner. I was with my whole family, my brother and his wife and daughter live down there so it was wonderful. I was able to stay until the following Monday. My parents took me to the airport and hugged and kissed me goodbye. It was the last time I saw my Dad, he died in April. But it is still a good memory for me because our family was together and it was a last minute arrangement. Being with my family is always a happy memory.

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I have plenty of them but I don´t know how to describe, it´s rather personal... my happy memories take me to the school yard as a teen ager, or at my friend´s places by the same time. And to France, Argentina, to the rock scene, love, family, work, friends... I have happy memories of mostly all my life... I use to forget about the bad ones or at least they seem to disappear from my brain, and when I remember some bad times I always laugh because there´s some surrealistic situation involved, or I´m glad to have that out of the present.

One of the happiest days of my life was a day off I had while attending some concerts in New York. I loved the city, the weather, the fact of being young, rich and pretty :laughing:

I felt real good.

My life is full of happy memories.

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  • 1 month later...

I had a boyfriend a few years back who was a real sports nut. He said to me one night 'I like you more than sport'. That was very sweet. I have memories of us at the moto-x with his dog. He came back from the food stand with 3 hamburgers. One for me, one for him and one for the dog :crazy:

I went on a school exchange to Germany for a month when I was 16. My family ended up coming over afterwards and I remember seeing them all at the airport - I had missed them so much!!

I also get happy when I receive packages in the mail....thanks Katie!!

My most recent happy memory is of the fella I'm involved with. I sent him a message to come over after a night out and his phone battery went dead so he couldn't ring me. He ended up walking a kilometre in the pouring rain to see me and turned up drenched on my front porch and gave me a really passionate kiss.

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My most recent happy memory is of the fella I'm involved with. I sent him a message to come over after a night out and his phone battery went dead so he couldn't ring me. He ended up walking a kilometre in the pouring rain to see me and turned up drenched on my front porch and gave me a really passionate kiss.

That is terribly romantic, Bella. There's nothing like smooching in the rain. :insert swooning graemlin here:

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I have got a nice memory after all, I'll just forget about the bit that followed afterwards.

Sitting on the edge of my bed with someone I was involved with, after a nasty arguement between us, instead of storming out, he sat on the edge of the bed with his arm around me, and explained why he was angry. We lay on the bed, and for the first time he was affectionate towards me, and I finally realised what he was actually capable of being, that the image he projected wasn't totally him.

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Don't you love it when you get to see a different side of fella's Foxy?! I always find it hard to believe when 'macho' guys are affectionate. Sounds very passionate.

I've had a few volatile relationships but, I don't often argue. However, when i do, i love the making up bit :)

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my happiest memories at the moment are all the ones I'm making with Brad. Except when we fight. Then those are not so happy. But then we make up. And those are happy. But the time in between, that feels like days, those are no so happy. But recently I've been sick, so those haven't been happy. But he's taken good care of me, so those are happy. But when I hurled, that wasn't happy. And being in the hospital, that wasn't happy. And now I'm at home and he's gone all the time on his job, and that's not happy. But then he comes home and is sweet and makes dinner cuz I can't, and that's happy. But now he was up in the middle of the night hurling himself, with the flu or something, so that's not happy. But now I'm feeling better and can take care of him, so that's happy.

You know, those kinds of memories. :grin:

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my happiest memories at the moment are all the ones I'm making with Brad. Except when we fight. Then those are not so happy. But then we make up. And those are happy. But the time in between, that feels like days, those are no so happy. But recently I've been sick, so those haven't been happy. But he's taken good care of me, so those are happy. But when I hurled, that wasn't happy. And being in the hospital, that wasn't happy. And now I'm at home and he's gone all the time on his job, and that's not happy. But then he comes home and is sweet and makes dinner cuz I can't, and that's happy. But now he was up in the middle of the night hurling himself, with the flu or something, so that's not happy. But now I'm feeling better and can take care of him, so that's happy.

You know, those kinds of memories. :grin:

Shawna, that´s not memories... that´s life!


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On this day in 1972 I was trying to get out of the Philly airport during an ice and snow storm from Fort Dix. I had a 3 day pass over Presidents' day and was trying to get home.

Man it was a mess. Flights were delayed at first and then the entire airport just shut down. I slept under a table on the floor at one of the terminals.

I finally made it home with just about enough time to turn around and go back to Dix. When I finall landed in the Charleston, WV airport I was sick as a dog. On the way home coming off the hill from the airport I had my dad pull off the side of the road as I "ralphed" my blueberry pancakes along I-64.

Nice memories from days gone by.


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On this date, February 21, 1985 I experienced up until then the greatest moment of my life. I watched my first born come into the world. Today he turns 21.

I am reminded of the song "Sunrise, Sunset" from Fiddler On The Roof. One season has truly followed another but it took no time to watch him grow into a man. Where does the time go? My other son is now 17 years old and soon he too will be a man.

God truly blessed me with my sons. Any and every memory I have of them growing up are my wonderful memories.

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