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Best pranks


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what are the best pranks either you, or someone you know has pulled?

I can't think of any good ones I've done at the moment, but heres some that people I know have pulled.

This first one was done by an anonymous prankster. I go to a Catholic school, so there is a religion class, and in one class, one of the younger priests was teaching a class, and he was going to show a video in class that day. Little did he know that someone in that class had switched the educational video we were going to watch with a video called "The Art of Sensual Massage." Needless to say, it was very awkward for the teacher to put on a video of two naked men massaging each other in an erotic fashion. The next day, he tried to convince us it wasn't a good prank (which is always the sign of a great prank!) It was hilarious.

more to come later!

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my boyfriend is considering leaving his job in bristol and finding a job in london, so we can be together. however, he is considering but not doing much about it. one sunday evening, he was feeling too lazy to go back to bristol, so I told him I was going to e-mail his boss and tell him he is quitting his job. we joked about the e-mail adressisficticious person. I didn't think much of it as the adress couldn't possibly exist but he seriously freaked out until the e-mailed bounced back! it was sooo funny!

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I can't remember the last prank we played on anyone.

Ours are more direct. On Monday I had a glass of water thrown over my top by a colleague in a playful mood. In return he had a glass of ice-cold water in his lap and an elastic band firing squad aiming at him when he came back from drying off.

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Back around 1995 a co-worker couldn't attend a golf outing and she gave me her tickets, etc. to go play. There was one hole that would get you a new car if you got a hole in one. The woman who gave me the tickets thought her tickets were a raffle drawing to win the car.

for days before the outing she kept saying, "Remember if you win the car it's mine".

Of course I won nothing because I'm not getting a hole in one. I decided to call her all excited and tell her i won the car.

Well she was beside herself.. "No way, no you didn't"..I told her, not only did I win it, but I would have it at the office the next day. She said she was going to call my wife and ask her. I got to my wife first and told her to act all excited about our new car...she did.

I knew that a co-worker had a brand new car, exactly like the prize car, so I asked him to meet me up the street from our office. I wanted to pull up to the office and start honking the horn and waving for everybody to see the car.

I made sure everybody in the office knew what time I was going to be arriving. The entire office was in on it.

that morning i met my co-worker and we switched cars. his still had the sticker on it and everything. I pulled up behind the office right outside her office window. Everybody in the office rushed to the window and started cheering and throwing streamers, etc.

I parked the car and came inside. connie was stunned. She wanted that car so badly it was killing her. What makes this better is that she had more money than God and could afford ten of these cars...it just killed her that i won on her ticket.

She seriously tried to negotiate this as a company car available to the office for business use. But it was finally decided that it was mine.

We let her twist in the wind a bit until we broke down and told her about the joke. she called me an idiot (which isn't uncommon) and went back to her office.

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I can't remember the last prank we played on anyone.

Ours are more direct. On Monday I had a glass of water thrown over my top by a colleague in a playful mood. In return he had a glass of ice-cold water in his lap and an elastic band firing squad aiming at him when he came back from drying off.

Here in the States we call that a wet T-Shirt Contest.

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A few years ago ,I met 2 friends at a retaurant and as it was the kind of place , where we lounged around and ran up a fair tab on food and alcohol . Finally, we were leaving and 1 friend , who is as straight as an arrow in all things , excused himself to the bathroom as we went to the cashier's place. Naturally , he intended to pay his share when he returned . I was suddenly possessed by Satan, and decided to quickly pick up the whole tab ... and told the other friend to join me just outside the door where I explained the plan .

When he returned , he didn't see us in the cashier's area but noted us waving at him suspiciously from outside . He came out , and we informed him that we were ' dining and dashing ' and better get the Hell out of there ! He couldn't believe his ears , but as we were moving toward the parking lot quickly ( and convincingly ) , he joined in , protesting all the way ! We took off , and I was laughing thinking of his discomfort all the way home --I didn't know this guy so well . Anyway , upon reaching home , we called him and , with some difficulty , convinced him all was well .

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I've always been partial to the slapstick-style pranks.

My older cousin would come home drunk, and I'd tape the doorway with clear, 2" wide packing tape. Maybe a dozen strips in all directions. He'd walk through the doorway, right through the tape, and it would stick all over hims face, arms, etc. It was especially great if he did it in the dark. LOL.

Down at Talladega, here are a few:

I rolled my cooler into my Pop's room, and pulled the drain plug, giggling madly as the wet spot on his carpet grew. One in front of his chair, the length of his bed, in front of his sink. Still giggling, know my Pop always walks around in his socks.

Set his alarm for 3:30am. Call the front desk from his room, posing as him, telling them to ring his room every hour on the hour from 2:30am until 6:30am, because "I'm on a special medication I need to take every hour."

Go into my cousin's room and take every lightbulb, put clear tape on the spout of his sink, so when he turns the water on, it sprays him. Take the batteries from his remote. Un plug the TV. Unscrew the cable wire.

In my Uncle's room, point the shower head so it drowns him as soom as he turns it on, hopefully fully clothed. Load up all the doorknobs with vaseline. A handful of salt in his sugar container for his coffee. Bend the vent on the fan in the bathroon so it clangs really loudly when he turns it on.

Odds and ends: Big cup of water, under the sheets, only to be found at bedtime.

Pantsing one of my cousins in the airport.

Water balloons, any time.

Calling the front office and complaining about the noise next store, causing my cousin to think it was this old couple on the other side of his room.

Re-enacting Jack Lemmon's Felix Unger scene in the diner, where he clears his sinuses. Honking very loudly in a public place.

Crushing an entire box of cheezits and sprinkling them under the covers, and in the pillow case.

My coup de gras, though, is the battery powered travel alarm, set for 3:45am, slid all the way under the bed, so the only was to get to it is to remove the mattress and boxspring. It beeps, and does not stop.

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This one guy I know was working at Fred Meyers with someone else, and they really dislike one of the employees there, and the 2nd guy was talking about how he hated him so much (the reason why he disliked him, I don't know). So the guy I know said "why don't you call him and tell him that?" And he handed him the phone that is used to call different employees in different parts of the store. But he had pressed the button for the intercom, so the 2nd guy said into the phone, "Hey Jim, you're a s***head." And then when he realized that he accidentally broadcast that over the intercom, he said "Oh s***, the intercom is on!" And the intercom was still on when he said that too. Quite humorous.

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