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Operating system poll


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WE LOVE POLLS! This is just a random one...its a complete Hey im bored thing...and i just got a GREAT idea for a post! This one is for Operating Systems! Which would you RATHER be using?

SO, the point of this post is just to post random polls like i just did, im pretty sure you can do it. Its not a game, but it would be pretty cool to see some of the crazy stuff we can come up with! Skys the Limit!

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no you are right, google earth does not work on mac, and neither can google talk. but i can see the map we registered on, so i think it's a problem with you having macos 9. don't you have anyone who can lend you an upgrade cd? i managed to get hold of tiger from a friend, i will be installing it this weekend when my boyfriend brings his removable hardrive to back-up my stuff, so my mac should be as good as new :)

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I cannot update my mac cause some of the design programs my husband works with won´t work with OSX... I tried two years ago but then we had to get some new programs and it´s more complicated for me than going to the PC and open things there.

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I know, that´s why I don t care to upgrade mine... besides, mac is solid and virusproof... plus other things I´m not really aware as I always had mac... I even worked on the little blue mac which existed some twenty years ago... it was beautifull.

So as I don´t use msn nor chat nor other stuff, I it´s fine for me.

I use word to write though I used quark before... yes, it´s good for text...

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Tis true...i voted Mac! Ill admit...ive never had one but i wish i did. Windows just isnt stable enough...sometimes Mac can crash...Linux barely crashes. Its because Windows spends too much money Dollin it up! Mac JUST started coming out with really good looking computer while windows was coming out with more and more versions...mac was spending the time and energy to make the perfect stable operating system you see today. Granted you cant use alot of things with Mac, but it seems alot of companies are working to resolve that issue.

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Actually Windows is just a copy of the Mac system. It was fine using windows on a PC for the first time as it´s very easy, it tells you what you have to do and where to click instead of translating those f1, f2, f3, etc...

I never used Linux, I don´t know what it´s good for...

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I voted Windows. (although I've never used anything else)

I remember that some friend of mine used to have a computer, ten years ago or something, and he always had to type DIR in so it'd start. For some reason it scared me, I was really frightened of that thing.

That would be DOS...you had to use it to start Windows 3.1

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