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Fantasy Baseball 2015


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I can't do live draft because I don't have desktop/laptop so I'll have to trust yahoo drafting order.

About odd # of teams: I can exit the league so #'s are even. I was only joining to even everything out as a couple SFers are taking a vacation this year :smirk:

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Please don't drop out, Ray. The league has to have a minumum of 8 teams in order to work. If Carl cannot join, I'll register a second team so that we have 8 teams.

As for the autodraft, it worked pretty well for Phil last year. As long as you edit your pre draft rankings, there is a very good chance that you will get some of the players you desire. After that, it's a crapshoot.

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You're not going to do any "inside trading" are you? =:P

No, my friend, that would be most unethical. I'm confident that Carl will register in time and that will obviate the need for me to register a second team. However, this year I may just have to make some trade offers. In the past, we've all been fairly conservative when it comes to proposing trades. We need to shake things up this year.

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Yahoo Fantasy doesn't work properly for me. I can't seem to edit my rankings like I've done every other year. Hopefully this doesn't affect my rosters. If so I'll be using the minimum # of players (save 2 or 3 in case of injuries) & if that's the case then I'll be trading early if I don't get Verlander and/or Buster Posey. Perhaps McCutcheon as well.

Should be an interesting start to the season! :popcorn:

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Hey guys and gals! Do y'all still need another player? My PT thingy didn't flash, nor is my email notification working (humpf!)or I'd have been here sooner! I know it's last minute and all, but if you need 1 more, I'm your girl!

If not, it's ok - I should have checked sooner ... my own fault. :crazy:

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Carl has now registered. Carole, I don't know whether or not you got my PT. You are most welcome to join our league. Your expertise will be very much appreciated. Since this will put us at 9 teams, I will register a second team. This team will essentially be a castoff just to even up the numbers. The draft is now being held at 7:45 Pacific time tomorrow night (March, 26). Good luck to all.

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Like I was saying C-A: my Yahoo Sports isn't working right so my team may end up being a "cast-off" team as well.

Let me know if I should stay or take a pass this year.

I was joining to fill out the team requirements so it's fine.

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Ok, Carole's Choice Team is in(I've got to do something about that name though).

Thank you for making room for me! I'll try to be online for the draft - I'm PST also, so it shouldn't be a problem. I've never done a live draft for baseball, this should be interesting.

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Ian's team is now in, so that makes 10. I will manage this team but I'll let the autopick function draft my players. If someone covets a player or players on Ian's team, I will certainly entertain trade offers, but I won't trade with my primary team, Coyote Utley.

Good luck to everyone. Let the games begin.

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If someone covets a player or players on Ian's team, I will certainly entertain trade offers,

I'm interested in Goldschmidt of my beloved Diamondbacks, but I don't really have enough to offer in trade. I will probably just stick with my hand picked team, I feel I got a good value at each position.

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I'm interested in Goldschmidt of my beloved Diamondbacks, but I don't really have enough to offer in trade. I will probably just stick with my hand picked team, I feel I got a good value at each position.

Methinks you give up too easily. Goldschmidt while, arguably one of the top two first basemen in all of baseball, is not untouchable. For a tier II pitcher (like Jon Lester) and a good position player, he can be had.

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C-A: As a trade, offer me any starter for either of my 2 Braves SP's. I don't like 2 from one team is all. Silly quirk... :smirk:

I had no idea about Weiters (sp?) being injury risk. Never heard of him. A good heads-up though! I'll know to keep tabs on him!


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Oh, Ray my boy. Don't make that deal. Either Atlanta pitcher is better than Verlander. His ERA is ballooning, he gives up way too many hits and his whip is atrocious. The only thing he still brings to the table is whiffs.

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Of your two Atlanta pitchers, Ray, Wood is probably the riskier proposition because of previous injuries. Neither of your pitchers is going to get much run support, but I still think they will both get you double digit wins and both have a decent chance to rack up a fair number of stikeouts.

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Yes Ray, he's right ..... both your pitchers are better, which is why I didn't send you a trade offer, lol - we have to do a 1 for 1 trade, and I'd have to throw in a sweetener for that deal. I'm fairly weak in the relief spot as well, but otherwise I'm please with my team.

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I like Papelbon, so that's something I'd go for.

I know the Tribe pitchers do well, but the team sucks making their job harder. Won't be long before the pitchers can't take anymore and bean batters from the stress.

I'm happy with Cashner as well C-A. He's pretty good. Doolittle is probably one of my better RP's... which says alot about my bullpen


I'll have more runs this year than past years from position players, so it should even out and I can keep my tenuous hold on to last place for yet another year.


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