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Miley Cyrus Doesn't Like Pop Music


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This could fit in the Trivial News category, but I think it makes a larger statement worthy of the full news treatment.

In a video interview that was posted on her official MileyWorld website, Cyrus was asked about her song " Party In The U.S.A.," which is a huge hit. Talking about exactly what Jay-Z song she was listening to (from the lyrics "That's when the taxi man turned on the radio and a Jay Z song was on"), Cyrus explained:

I don't know, I didn't write the song, so I have no idea. Honestly, I picked that song because I needed something to go with my clothing line. I didn't write it [and] I didn't expect it to be popular, originally. It was just something that I wanted to do and I needed some songs and it turned out for the best. I've never heard a Jay-Z song. I don't listen to pop music. ['Party '] is not even my style of music. I'm really blessed for it to have done as well as it has. Totally blessed. God has definitely put me in an amazing position with amazing people."

The songwriters did their job maybe a little too well, as they wrote lyrics that relate to Miley's life, or at least the perception of it, hitting the storyline of the country girl who goes to the city. What I find so refreshing is her brutal honesty in admitting the song is a confection chosen to promote her clothing line. Most pop stars would have a canned story or evade the question, but Miley spoke truth. When she gets a little older and wants to be taken seriously as an artist, it will be as a country singer, and it will be a lot more legit now that she's admitted to not liking pop music when her pop song is a huge hit. She did go into spin mode after her statement ("God has definitely put me in an amazing position with amazing people."), as if to tell the world she's not looking for trouble and is happy to be who we want her to be, at least for now.

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Her clothing line sucks too, that fabric is too itchy.

I couldn't care less about her clothes (well, maybe I could - like her music)

But the fact that she chooses a song explicitly for that - without having ANY opinion about it of her own and not even caring and wondering why that's the case... :doh: again

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I hear that stupid gawdawful song every f***ing weekend. It makes me think of the old Bill Hicks routine where he offers to produce a TV show called "Hunt Down and Kill Billy Ray Cyrus". Even more of an incentive now, in hindsight, as it may have prevented the abomination that is Miley from ever existing.

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Miley should check out some Jay-Z. "The Blueprint" is a really awesome album.

My opinion on this type of pop, though, is that who cares if Miley thinks there is no art to the song. She didn't even write it. I'm sure the person who actually did write the song is really proud of it and put a lot of effort into it, and most likely is a really talented musician.

Unfortunately my entire argument is built on the faulty premise that the song is good, which it isn't. But that last paragraph can be applied to plenty of top 40 pop.

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