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Well Dig Out Your Soul got a ton of coverage when it came out (last year?)- and it was muchos better than Don't Believe The Truth. Also they were in the middle of this massive tour jus' now.

Oasis are ALWAYS on the verge of a breakup, they just never do it. Noel is perpetually quitting tours, but not the band!!!

And I'm aware of how every album of theirs sounds exactly like the one before it (kinda) but I love that stability (or what other people might prefer to refer to as 'lack of originality/creativity)')

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You mean, they were still around and putting out new music?

That was my first thought... :P

Oh shut up this can;t be true :(

I know how you feel. I was 14 when the Beatles split. I just couldn't believe it though it was obvious that it was about to happen. I was traumatised too.

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The man himself speaks:

Dearly beloved, it is with a heavy heart and a sad face that I say this to you this morning.

As of last Friday the 28th August, I have been forced to leave the Manchester rock'n'roll pop group Oasis.

The details are not important and of too great a number to list. But I feel you have the right to know that the level of verbal and violent intimidation towards me, my family, friends and comrades has become intolerable. And the lack of support and understanding from my management and band mates has left me with no other option than to get me cape and seek pastures new.

I would like firstly to offer my apologies to them kids in Paris who'd paid money and waited all day to see us only to be let down AGAIN by the band. Apologies are probably not enough, I know, but I'm afraid it's all I've got.

While I'm on the subject, I'd like to say to the good people of V Festival that experienced the same thing. Again, I can only apologise - although I don't know why, it was nothing to do with me. I was match fit and ready to be brilliant. Alas, other people in the group weren't up to it.

In closing I would like to thank all the Oasis fans, all over the world. The last 18 years have been truly, truly amazing (and I hate that word, but today is the one time I'll deem it appropriate). A dream come true. I take with me glorious memories.

Now, if you'll excuse me I have a family and a football team to indulge.

I'll see you somewhere down the road. It's been a f*ckin' pleasure.

Thanks very much.



Edited by Guest
with his accent, shouldn't it have been "fookin"? ;)
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I seen them in concert last December, and I told everyone then I just had to go because it could be the last chance to see them...I guess I was right.

Because I am an "only child", I never could understand how siblings could grow to hate each other, but perhaps all this will just make them reform together better in the future?

Very sad news, nonetheless. Oasis is one of my favorite bands.

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