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Politics and music .... do mix?


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Yeah, well Cosmosis, that snide little Brittney remark is pretty undeserving, 'cuz didn't you hear a really respected musician is supporting Bush too ........................................................................................

...................................................................................... Jessica Simpson :jester:

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I tend to think that artists and entertainers have liberal values just because of their unconventional line of work, so I take for granted whatever political belief they have. I'm not swayed one way or the other by their views, but if they concur with mine, then more power to them :thumbsup:

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I think it's fine that some of these entertainers (I won't call Jessica Simpson a musician) encourage people to vote, but if they want to preach their political views, then write a freakin' song about it. Of course, everybody knows none of these people can make a difference in the world. I don't think any of these undecided voters (there's not many of them out there) are going to swing towards Kerry or Bush just because the Boss, Boss-wanna-be, or some other celeb told them to. Politics and music don't mix. If they really want to make a difference, quit the music biz and get a respectable career in politics :laughing:.

Oh, and if anybody can afford to go to this concert, they must be a republican. I never understood that about the Boss. He claims to be the common blue-collar working man, and the common blue-collar working man can't afford to go to his concerts!

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Ummmm anyone who would vote for a candidate based solely on a celebreties opinion, is an undisputed 'waffletard'.

Though there's nothing wrong with someone voiceing their opinion through their art, people can listen to it and take it to their heart, and think about it.

I mean, what better encourages thought than music?(unless of course you listen to Metallica(Napster BAD!!!!)) And shouldn't politics be something that you should think about?

It's not like these artists are making their own political views, they're writing and performing about the views that they support not that they 'made'.

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