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Music Analysis Assignement


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My 10 year old daughter has a musical analysis assignment.

She has to compare two distinctly different pieces of music.

She needs to describe TEMPO, DYNAMICS, INSTRUMENTS and MOOD.

I believe she has to mention allegro, presto, mezzo, etc.

The two songs she has chosen are:

The Cranberries- Zoombie

I like it like that- From the movie with the same name. It is Salsa and many artists are featured on it, like the late great Tito Puente.

If you know anything about either of these songs, we would appreciate it.

We don't need to know about the artist, mostly about the music.

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I know Zombie fairly well, so I'll tell you what I know about that. It does sound tough for a ten year old. :)

The time signature is 4/4. I can't work out the exact tempo for you, but to me it sounds like about 80 beats per minute, which is Andante (walking pace). I don't believe there is any tempo variation in the song.

In terms of dynamics, there is a fair amount of variation in the guitar volume. During the quiet guitar parts, the dynamic could probably be described as mezzo piano (moderately soft), while during the chorus and other loud parts this increases to forte (loud). The vocals probably range from mezzo forte (moderately loud) to forte.

I'm pretty sure the instruments are just two electric guitars, one bass guitar and drums.

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Re "Zombie": the vocal style is quite distinctly irritato.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that. :laughing: :P

And Namahage is sort of right - I don't deserve this much credit. I didn't study music at high school for three years for nothing. :wink:

I also forgot to mention that vocals should be mentioned as one of the "instruments".

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