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Everything posted by TheCyberdemon

  1. I think a mudshark would be a better title. Or a tsunami, ohh man that would rock. Down with manatees, up with Tsunamis.
  2. I'm going to save Sara the 1 minute and send you a pm. To put it nicely, no.
  3. I think it's proof that Sara and Carl are obsessed with sea animals.
  4. I was also thinking that maybe you mods should think about recruiting more moderators. I've seen other forums do this. What they'll do is people who post nominate who they think would be the best mod. After people get enough nominations you could set up a "knock-out" poll. Let's say for instants that Muzik and Cindy were noimated. A person could vote (anonymously if they so choose) for whoever they think is fit. Whoever would win becomes the new moderator. After that you could give them how ever much power you deem fit. Just a thought, keep it in mind.
  5. No Motorhead? Shut that site down.
  6. And then after helping KISS save the day, they could all go and argue about Battle Star Galatica!
  7. Don't you mean satanic mimes?
  8. What's wrong with trying to do to the bass guitar what Jimmy did to the electric? My friend practises the bass at least 2-3 hours aday and needless to say, he's getting really good.
  9. Ahh yes, Robert Johnson, the man who sold his soul to satan to further his career. At least, that's what everyone says. There's some nice info to back that up too. He died mysteriously, and then his body disapeered. Eery.
  10. Yeah, Anything you find by them. I have yet to hear a song that I hated. I suggest the first song you get is "Home" it has one of the sickest guitar solos.
  11. Ya know, I was thinking about the guy from Primus, but I couldn't remember his name so I just blew it off.
  12. Wow, thank you MarcM. I did mean stabbing people with plastic utensils, from KFC and Taco Bell. I in no way ment that in a crude/fetish way, or about women in general. See, the joke is that me and a few of my online buddies formed a clan (the term we use for a team of sorts) where we all picked some fighting class and a weird weapon to use. We were picking things like, The Cardboard Tube Samurai and such. I opted for The Metal Spork Ninja. Ever so slowly I became obsessed with sporks. It actually got to the point where I was attacking people in real life with sporks. It was very fun. People tend to scream when they get hit with them hard enough. So who's driving this conversation to the gutter, ehh Cindy?
  13. Ahh yes, my infamous false id phone number.
  14. I just picked up their cd today. It has some pretty solid tracks on it. "Shake Your Blood" featuring Lemmy (Motorhead) is one of the best songs I've heard in awhile.
  15. Yes. Anything you find by them. My favorite song by them is "Home" their best album, IMO, is "As I Am". I think it's funny how were sitting here bashing CC, yet our political view are stereotyped as being for big companies like CC. I'm totally with you on the cable though. Except to watch the Simpsons and Adult Swim I hardly ever watch any channel with single or double digits. There can only be so many god forsaken teen shows.
  16. Sorry we forgot were not aloud to share our opinions on this board. Thank you for setting us straight. I'd rather listen to a band with no emotion, then listen to Zack cry about the government in every song.
  17. If I remember correctly, they had the women ride around on them without any underwear on.
  18. Agreed. Audioslave. I hated how RATM's music was always whining about politics. I've had conversations at work with people, over which was his better band. Most say RATM because he did more mind-blowing stuff with the guitar. I have to agree. But Zack de la Rocha was a horrible song writer (although I liked his distinct voice). Chris Cornell is a helluva song writer.
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