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Everything posted by TheCyberdemon

  1. I think there was about 10 songs up there I can actually stand listening too.
  2. "Manic Depression" has one of the best baselines ever, definitly Hendrix's best bass line. Pretty much every song by the Chilli Peppers has awesomely awesome bass lines.
  3. Dream Theater has interesting cover art. On "Change of Seasons" they have a kid sitting in snow in a bathing suit with a sand pail. On the inside of the case they have an ekimo sitting on a beach. Trippy.
  4. Mine if the face unit of the Ghost unit from "Starcraft".
  5. I'm going to go with Everlong - Foo Fighters No matter what my "current band" is, I can always go back and listen to this hauntingly genious ballad.
  6. Triple X, Being new to the board you haven't seen my, tearing into Tool posts. Carefull what you say about Tool, people have gone off on me for mentioning how much they suck.
  7. Just another one of those bands who get media hype. Everything on mtv/fuse SUCKS.
  8. I've been listening to J-pop for years, I've got a bunch of my friends latched onto it. J-pop rocks.
  9. I would NEVER go so far as to compare him to god. But I know what your saying. I work in a record store, so I have heard his stuff plenty of times. So I'll go with B.
  10. Because drugs and stoners are stupid, and only there for my laughing pleasure. Ohh ya, they make sure my pizza get's to my house in 30 minutes or less.
  11. I've personally sold about 20 copies of this cd, and had to re-order a couple of shipments a few times. I still hate Jimmy Buffett.
  12. When I listen to the record (not live) version of Pearl Jams - "State of love and Truth" I still swear he is saying "State of love and toast".
  13. No, people in Asia eat many unappetizing things.
  14. 1. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? 2. What is the last movie you saw in a theater? 3. Your PBnJ: Crusts on or cut off? 4. Who was your first celebrity crush and how old were you? 5. Ink pens: blue or black ink? 6. What is your favorite color? 7. If you had $100 to spend in 5 minutes, what would you buy? 8. What is your favorite cereal? 9. Choose one: A B C and tell why you picked it. 10. Name a quote that says a lot about you. 1. Chocolate 2. Return of the King 3. PB&J sucks. 4. No one, dirty deeds only. 5. black pens 6. Teal 7. Snacks 8. Frosted Flakes 9. C - it's the farthest from being left wing. 10. " I'm a mushroom cloud making mother-f****r, mother-f****r"
  15. You think that's odd? Try this one on for size. http://theshadowlands.net/jfk.htm
  16. Supposedly if you play her cd backwards it says "Sleep with me I'm not to young"
  17. Once again, congrats Carl and Sara.
  18. He seemed almost desperate for material to slander people with, when he posted that. So I just blew it off.
  19. If he didn't get shot or killed, the ending sucked.
  20. Is there something wrong with people posting their opinions?
  21. No, Velvet Revolver is all of G n R (except Axel) with the singer from the Stone Temple Piolets (hence the fruityness) and another guitarist from another band.
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