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Everything posted by TheCyberdemon

  1. Clam down kiddo. I think Nirvana sucks.. because they do! Everything after Never Mind sucked so much and was about dieing and how much he sucked at life and stuff like that. Obviously you were too easily enraged that I insulted your god, to know I NEVER SAID NIRVANA RIPPED OFF T.J.H.E.! Everyone else said that, because they are stupid.
  2. Music would not scare anyone into not wanting to do the nasty. If a guy wants to bone you, he wants to bone you. If you are a guy, I think it's time you take the tent out of your closet.
  3. But she gets it for washing her car. I'm jealous.
  4. I had it custom built by Dell, with top of the line stuff (for the time, you know how fast things get out-dated) and tons of features I really don't need. Also, don't forget that tax on the computer was pretty substancial.
  5. Actually, I got the Alienwares for free from my sponsors. Jimmy, I really could care less. I have 4000 to burn.
  6. I wish I got payed 10 dollars for washing my car...
  7. Any Dream Theater cd, is going to blow your mind. Get them all.
  8. I'm didn't even mention their names to the moderators, who undoubtedly would have put the boot down on them. I actually had more fun exchanging pm's and degrading things they said, and their crappy use of the english language.
  9. I've had several people p.m. me with death threats, and telling me that they've rated me with a 1, I can go f*** myself because I'm a racist/homophobic-redneck, etc.
  10. I haven't seen it, or plan too. But, it has Ashton in it, so I can already pro-claim that it sucks.
  11. You are a horrible lier.
  12. But they're not, none of them have any game on Dream Theater.
  13. I gave you a 5 awhile ago, when we were exchanging pm's and talking about Ireland. I just checked again and it let me rate you again, ohh well.
  14. They told me. While they were asking me about what Dream Theater cd they should pick up.
  15. Just being funny. I said I knew 1 person who voted for me, I gave them a 5 right back. Plus, we've always gotten along. At least, I think.
  16. It's alright. But, NEVER correct me again.
  17. I know one person who voted for me. I think everyone else just gave me 1's because they hate me. It's ok, because I hate you too.
  18. Made all other movies this year look like a 1 hour episode of Will and Grace, where Will makes out with that other guy... and a midget. I was so obsessed with seeing it that I went to out to my theater while Hurricane Charely was only a few counties over. There was 2-3 inches of rain on the street, the theater was freezing cold, and there were like 20 kids playing grab-ass with each other. It couldn't have been more worth it.
  19. Look at the facts here. Controversial songs 3 main members Awesome guitarist, bassist and drummer Legendary song writer Musical influence still being felt now-adays Huge fan base, making tons of money, still. I'm stoping there, I think you get my point. If you don't , forget it and don't respond.
  20. Maddox, Owner of the BEST PAGE IN THE UNIVERSE!
  21. I, Robot in a Nutshell
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