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Everything posted by Foolonthehill

  1. It's Dr. Strangelove! You should watch that movie. Good album, bad picture. 8/10
  2. I should go into a LITTLE more detail... Close To The Edge and And You And I are divided like this: 1. Close To The Edge I. The Solid Time Of Change II. Total Mass Retain III. I Get Up I Get Down IV. Seasons Of Man 2. And You And I I. Cord Of Life II. Eclipse III. The Preacher The Teacher IV. Apocalypse Both songs are in a grand progressive style, building and resolving over several minutes. Close To The Edge features some amazing vocal harmonies that few other bands could match.
  3. I like it! Surprised but happy to see a couple of Yes songs there, and unsurprised but somewhat satisfied to see Stairway at the top (would have preferred A Day In The Life- but that would have been too much to hope for). Would have expected and wanted A Whiter Shade Of Pale in there- or is that not classic rock? (if it isn't, then what makes Yes classic rock?). All in all, not a bad list.
  4. I wish sometimes that I had been alive in the 60s and 70s, but have now come to realize that all such wishes are utterly futile and I'll just have to make the best of the time I'm living. Besides, with The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, etc. around (and still writing new songs regularly) as competition, it would be much harder for me to be successful as a musician. In any case, I'm here to be important in MY time rather than wish I was in someone else's.
  5. The thing that really pisses me off is when people have Led Zeppelin which they have clearly downloaded and is on their iPod labeled as "led zepplin". I don't even really like Led Zeppelin, but to me this just seems to be the epitome of stupidity.
  6. haha pretty shallow view of politics...but I liked it.
  7. Hehe your national anthem is about a war that WE won.... Just for the record, I don't like "Oh Canada" either.
  8. Version? I meant the REAL version...too bad you don't like it. Remember, weird is NOT necessarily bad.
  9. I told it to my Dad and he liked it.
  10. But it is listened to a lot by my generation. When Stadium Arcadium came out there was hype overflowing from my school.
  11. Hehe one of my more vivid memories of Madrid involved a street musician playing "Titanic" on a trumpet. Every day.
  12. Pretty good, though not the type of music I generally listen to. The singer has an amazing voice. 8/10 Karn Evil 9- Emerson, Lake and Palmer hehehehehe
  13. I definetly listen to A Day In The Life at least once a week, but thats the only song I listen to that much.
  14. I used to really like Limelight and I still like the vocals, but the distortioin on the guitar really gets to me. Rush is a great band though.
  15. Yes, its a very good album.
  16. HAHAHAHA Both of my parents are lawyers...
  17. Yes that's it. Actually, I'm listening to more progressive rock and classical.
  18. Yeah, I like the length of the Shine On You Crazy Diamonds.
  19. You can't really choose a favourite Pink Floyd album. Mine changes weekly.
  20. I don't know 36 of them...and my vocabulary shames most of my classmates'.
  21. I thought the first wasn't too bad, though it doesn't measure up to The Princess Bride for funny fairy tale sort of action movies.
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