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Everything posted by Foolonthehill

  1. Thick As A Brick- Jethro Tull it was a time-consuming listening urge. 45 minutes long, but every second worth while.
  2. I just read On The Road not too long ago. 11/10 at least.
  3. Time Table- Genesis Kind of a mournful song, but the right theme.
  4. Neil Young is also Canadian, but you're right, I guess there wouldn't be 10.
  5. Video Interlude This is kind of funny.
  6. "And I am not frightened of dying, any time will do, I don't mind. Why should I be frightened of dying? There's no reason for it, you've gotta go sometime." Maybe it's a symptom of being 16 and having too much testosterone and not enough brains, but theres not much in particular that I'm really afraid of. Except centipedes. Eeeeuuuughghggh. And long fingernails, but that's more of an intense dislike than fear.
  7. I'm working on getting a six pack. Abs I'm talking about, not beer. I'll have to lay off those six packs to get off this six pack.
  8. I think it was originally in a musical.
  9. I like that one. How about Canadian Musicians/Groups, or Albums By...?
  10. Joy Division- Unknown Pleasures Sonic Youth- Washing Machine Jethro Tull- Thick As A Brick The Soft Machine- Volume II
  11. I've never tried one, but I'm guessing I'd agree.
  12. I need some posters to decorate my room (don't even know if they make some of these, but): In the Land of Grey and Pink Rock Bottom Relayer Twelve Dreams of Dr. Sardonicus Animals Nursery Cryme Abbey Road This is gonna take a long time.
  13. Yeah, wasn't really expecting it to make the list, but it must have been pretty close, it had two number one votes and a number two.
  14. couldn't have hoped for a better number one probably the best love song ever written
  15. I just read The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. I read it cover to cover yesterday and I really enjoyed it. Very romantic (not as in a romance novel, more like Romantic music), the plot really tied together, but with a few loose characters here and there. I'd recommend it to anyone who wants a good mystery/adventure/coming of age/surrealist novel.
  16. I eat tuna right out of the can. Which is gross, I'm told, as well as lazy.
  17. The Silence of the Lambs holy ******* it was scary
  18. I'm pretty sure the "Kill Hannah" refers to Hannah Montana, cuz I certainly want to.
  19. I decided to stop too. I never really enjoyed drinking, and I figured that drinking AND smoking weed was too unhealthy.
  20. Yeah, Gentle Giant isn't usually very emotional, but "Think Of Me With Kindness" is.
  21. pffft he comes in second to Keith Emerson. Steve Howe, on the other hand, is completely unrivaled.
  22. damn I forgot to nominate "Think Of Me With Kindness" by Gentle Giant.
  23. I just watched The Princess Bride on TV. Seen it before, awesome as always.
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