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Everything posted by Farin

  1. Two records were broken yesterday: Spain is the first team to win three big titles in a row (Euro 2008, World Championships 2010, Euro 2012) AND they're the first who were able to defend their European title.
  2. The line “What if I take my problem to the United Nations?†in PJ Harvey's 'Words That Maketh Murder' was inspired by Eddie Cochran's Summertime Blues. ( and maybe I would have known that myself for sure earlier if I'd actually bought the album (instead of streaming it all the time) and read the album liner notes )
  3. that guy, yeah... would be interesting to know what's his favourite food to cook
  4. Happy belated Birthday
  5. ^^memes really get old very fast probably due to over-exposure... some even after just a couple of months I was going to give you an example, but then I took an arrow to the knee
  6. Farin

    Name a Song

    Exhausted ~ Foo Fighters Name a song that features hand-clapping
  7. I think there must be some hidden rule in FIFA and UEFA regulations stating that Germany HAS to lose against Italy in a tournament Congrats Italy, GL against Spain!
  8. But what is HIS lie then? "For every regret, I tell a beautiful lie. And I would die if you find out."
  9. hmm... seems the protagonist is in a relationship and things or his feelings for his significant other have changed, but he doesn't tell her, instead telling her "beautiful lie"s so that she can "think everything will always stay the same" and in the second verse he realises that she's probably doing the same thing to him... ...or something - I just listened to the song once What do you think it's about? PS and welcome to SF
  10. Al Pacino is the only one who played in The Godfather
  11. Polymers are Forever ~ Future of the Left (2011) after deciding on that, I just had to think of: Rhinestone Eyes ~ Gorillaz (2010) (from "Plastic Beach"... geddit? geddit? )
  12. classic! 9/10 Shatner of the Mount ~ Fall on your Sword
  13. ...and what was it called?
  14. Where the Hell is Matt? 2012
  15. isn't that a Churchill quote (allegedly at least)?
  16. nice! thanks for the links
  17. Admittedly our history against Italy in World and European Cups isn't the best and you DID win the 2006 semi-final on our own turf... but then again our team is better than it was then - and Italy's gonna have to shoot more goals then yesterday to beat us (also Germany hasn't lost a penalty shoot-out since 1976) I'm confident
  18. Farin

    Who is that?

  19. 1. Summertime - Morcheeba (1998) 2. Om Du Moter Varg - Detektivbyran (2008) 3. Fur Elise - Ludwig Van Beethoven (1867) 4. Baby Elephant Walk - Henry Mancini (1962) 5. We Are Beautiful, We Are Doomed - Los Campesinos! (2008) 6. Jump in the Line - Harry Belafonte (1961) 7. Who's Feeling Young Now? - Punch Brothers (2012)* 8. Pickin' the Blues - Grinderswitch (1974) 9. Smoke And Ashes - 13 Engines (1991) 10.Kim & Jessie - M83 (2008) * progressive bluegrass? what a novel concept... doesn't sound too bad though
  20. Farin

    Who is that?

  21. THAT'S what I was thinking of
  22. well, they're both dead, so I guess that's okay
  23. better than celebrating Steve Jobs or Bill Gates, isn't it but I have to admit that I only noticed it because of the google doodle also looking into this I noticed that yesterday was actually Konrad Zuse's birthday
  24. Today is the 100th birthday of Alan Turing, the father of computer science, artificial intelligence and countless other stuff! Today's google doodle is Turing-Machine in his honour. www.google.com
  25. That's not what I was going for, but I just noticed that if you've never heard of some of the artists the solution might not be as obvious as I thought it would be... so, if nobody gets the right answer in, say the next 24h, then I'll just accept Calexico as correct
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