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Everything posted by DiggsUK

  1. The 'word' is that Bin Laden is holed-up in Kashmir, and has been for some time now. Unfortunately both Pakistan and India have nuclear weapons, so no chance of bombing there then! Regards
  2. RW, your statement about the cost of rebuilding Iraq made me think - where does all the money end up? - back into the US economy of course, as to my knowledge all major companies involved in the job are American! Regards
  3. The war started as an attempt to make Iraq comply with UN Resolutions on WOMD, in that Iraq began making it difficult for weapon inspectors to check what they allegedly had. That was the official reason at the time. It should be bourne in mind that the US and many other countries with an offensive capability greater than Iraq consistenty breaks UN Resolutions, and it doesn't see fit to extend its policing in those directions by way of invasion. It is therefore selective in its policing, which makes one suspect that other motives may be at play. After 9/11 the US Government needed a tangible Arab enemy to boost the morale of the population, and guess which country had a despotic regime, was unpopular in the world for previous use of chemical weapons (supplied by the US) and had no weapons as such any more to defend itself with? Unfortunately what was intended as a morale-boosting crusade has ended up as a right old bucket of fish, with no clear US-acceptable solution in sight. Thousands of US servicemen have died to date and many more will die on a daily basis, however this number is dwarfed by the amount of death and suffering bought onto the Iraqi people as a direct result of the invasion, and this number will continue to grow long after the troops have left. It can be argued that regime change will produce a net saving of life in the long run, and this may be so. Is this sufficient justification for the war however? Ask an Iraqi - I don't know. I wouldn't ask an American politician, as the answer is likely to contain so much spin and hypocracy that it may not actually be relied upon as fact. Regards
  4. Here's a thought along Edna's lines. Why doesn't the US as a magnanamous(?) jesture to the world offer part of itself to the Jews, a kind of Jewish Free State. Assuming those living in Israel wanted to move, it would be a cheaper solution to an otherwise intractable issue in the long run. Regards
  5. I was under the impression that the Iraq business had nothing to do with the 'war on terror', and had in fact been planned before 9/11 in response to an alleged breach of UN resolutions. Likewise the removal of Saddam wasn't intended, only a bi-product of the US lead effort to ensure compliance with Resolutions. The politics/hypocracy of it all has been debated to death all over the world, and opinion about US policy has polarised, as was doubtless intended by the US Government. The 'war on terror' is a misnomer, as on the one hand it doesn't make the US or UK any less likely to be attacked, whilst on the other scares the sh*t out of our populations, giving support for Governments fiscal and overseas Policy to proceed in exploitative and potentially dangerous directions, to the advantage of the few.... The UK has had much experience of terrorist attack in recent years, as has Spain. One thing here is clear. You cannot beat terrorists, you can only beat the reason for terrorism. You do this and the problem becomes a criminal one rather than a political issue, which can be controlled all the easier. The sooner the US embraces this idea and stops the 'Siege Mentality' the better for all of us, IMO. "I don't understand why the US feels the need to rebuild countries. You don't see other countries sacrificing their money and lives for us." RW you crack me up! Regards
  6. Congratulations mum & dad. Now the fun begins! Regards
  7. I feel uncomfortable in admitting I knew that too! From the european 'Paul Calf' period, along with Barclay James Harvest et all. Regards
  8. I don't think people in the UK really care about the whole issue, despite the best and continuing attempts of the gutter press to 'p*ss' on the happy couple out of some misguided pandering to a percived popular opinion. Let them get on with it - just don't publish the photos! Regards
  9. I know its considered 'yuppy blues' by the traditionalists, but I like a bit of 'young Bobby' Cray. Jimi Hendrix cuts a mean blues lick also. Regards
  10. Yep, that was true for us too. There was a 'lull before the storm' with each of ours as well. It was a bit worrying first time around, but we reassured by the midwife. Regards
  11. Yep, 7.00pm on a Saturday night. Not sure about Billie Piper though, and I understand Christopher Ecclestone will not make another series. Shame, as he brings humour to it second only to the great Tom Baker. Have the Daleks learned how to climb steps in this one I wonder? Regards
  12. Elvish, as other parents here will testify, making your next baby will take stealth, calculated risk-taking and an ability to muffle! Sounds like you are almost ready to drop, although in each of our pregnancies contractions began a week before, slowed then speeded up, slowed again and so on. Best of luck to you, your old man and the little'un. Oh, if your fella can get hold of a hand from a tailor's dummy it will save him much pain, as he can slip it into yours during the proceedings. You won't know, and his won't get crushed or gouged. Regards
  13. I've heard the neighbours are a bit fussy there, so no chance of leaving the car on bricks for a decade. I think I'll pass. Regards
  14. Welcome back MT, you old bugger! How's the rash? Regards
  15. I used to enjoy our polite disagreements about gun control and religion. He was/is a cantankerous old bugger for sure, and prone to way out religious theorising. My favourite was the one that condemned my innocent baby daughter to the fires of hell for what she will do in later life, unless she finds religion and in particular his very fine definition of the Christian faith. His 'big cock' post was memorable too, particularly for his taking extreme umbridge over people joking about it being in bad taste. He never really recovered from that! Shame he isn't here any more, as he was very entertaining. We made up over Christmas which I am glad about, but he hasn't been seen since. Regards
  16. I think he sang that because 'Prime Minister' didn't rhyme. Regards
  17. Good to see a Rory Gallagher album in there. Regards
  18. East for about 4000 miles, turn left at mainland Europe, up a bit and stop on the diamond-shaped island just before the south coast of England. You know you have arrived as everybody wears a blazer with an anchor on the pocket, and even the seagulls are posh. Regards
  19. I read the title and thought it must be about a punk/s&m band! Regards
  20. Not to my wife, thankfully...... Mike, good idea for those of a technical bent. Regards
  21. Don't get me wrong Sammy, I'm not saying their career has been black and white (or good and sh*te), because I'm not remotely qualified to comment on such a lengthy subject. You know their music much better that I do, and fair play to you. Whilst we are on the subject of dodgy albums, why on earth did Bruce Springsteen record 'Born In The USA'? I bought every one of his albums as a youth, but after spending my wad on that one I stopped. Regards
  22. Half the population between the ages of 55 and 65, bearded and Lib-Dem activists. Oops, sounds like my folks! - except the beard, as my mum doesn't have one yet. Sure, the Stones have a (diminishing as senility kicks in)following who will probably buy records irrespective, but that doesn't make the band relevant to music today, nor does it encourage them to be the artistic force they once were. Should records be legal if the creativity isn't there any more? That would shaft the majority of the music industry if 'credibility' became a legal requirement. Regards
  23. The one Rush song ever played over here is 'Spirit of Radio', but is doesn't seem to fit the description. Regards
  24. It may be a British thing, but the Stones are not played on the radio here unless it is 1960s stuff, or maybe that MJ and David B 'duet' from the 80s. The last even marginally popular album was the one with 'Miss You' on. I think they sold a few copies of a live album a few years later, but basically they haven't been able to age gracefully (or even disgracefully except BW the cradle-snatcher), so are an irrelevance here and have been for decades. If they went away for 20 years they could possibly have a revival in the manner of The Kinks in terms of cool, or possibly not, IMO. I find myself agreeing with XXX once more, but no rumours please or my wife will withdraw nocturnal privilages. Regards
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