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Everything posted by TheCyberdemon

  1. Come on, you know there's just that one band you're obsessed with right now. Go ahead and share the wealth. Mine right now is Dead Kennedys. Chemical Warfare! Chemical Warfare!
  2. This is the part where you go sit in the corner.
  3. Living People: Lemmy - Bass (Motorhead) John Petrucci - Guitar (Dream Theater) Agent M - Vocals (Tsunami Bomb) Dave Grohl - Drums (Foo Fighters & Probot)
  4. Dream Theater has OWNED the 90s.
  5. You sho' got a purrty mouth, boy. I'm gunna make you squeeeaaal like a piggy.
  6. I believe some dreams can be preminitions or reminitions. I had a dream before I started my new high school, that I was walking around checking stuff out. There was this zen garden where people were having a class. Lo and behold, my Religions class actually teaches stuff about zen, while holding class there on nice days. Another strage part was this second floor hallway. There was a big aquariam (god knows why) there. I walked to the end of the hallway where there was stairs. I saw one of my best friends, who I haven't seen in years. Well, on the first day, I notice the math hallway of the second floor looks exactlly like in my dream (except the aquariam was replaced with a water foutain, hmm). After class I went to walk down the stairs to go to my next class, and sure enough, there was my friend walking up them.
  7. Blues Brothers, hands down.
  8. Muzik, after watching it 3 times, I never understood what the sam hill was going on. Watch the movie, then go to their flash site.
  9. Mind, I hate you. I must have got scammed.
  10. I've seen the passion once. I plan to never own it, and perfer not to watch it again. I am a catholic, so I'm not biased or anything. I just... don't know...
  11. Much <3 for TP. Tp, there's a cd called Zeppelin: Remasters. It comes with 2 discs of all Zeppelins greatest hit. Get it, it's worth the 18 bucks it costs. Its cover looks like this.
  12. No. The engine was the vessel in which was going to time travel. If Donny did not kill himself, the universe would colapse on its self. This theory was backed up with examples of a ancient warrior getting crushed by an armlet he hadn't recieved yet. Also, a medieval knight was impaled by a sword he had not made.
  13. If you go to their official flash site, you will actually get to read Roberta Sparrow's Book. Once you do, everything in the movie will make sense.
  14. TP, Don't make me come down there and FORCE FEED you Zeppelin's best song... Achillie's Last Stand.
  15. I was speaking hypothetically Jr. I know you don't want to like, throw off your karma, dude.
  16. Plus, you would have been picked up for the friends roll instead.
  17. I play hockey and routinely go into Canada to school people up there. Also, I didn't know dancing was a sport. I was thought it was dry humping in public.
  18. Are we all forgetting? Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back?
  19. So. Lets say for instance that me and JR have another yelling match, which drags on for, ohh say 20 posts. After you're done yelling at me, etc. You go and delete the posts. Do they still count towards my overall post record?
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