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Everything posted by daslied

  1. He also played on the inaugaural WWF album.
  2. This topic may very well suck, but I am delirious from sleepiness. Hey, Halloween's coming, right? While listening to "Russians" by Sting this morning I started thinking about other songs that give me the willies. Some are because of lyrics and some are due solely to the overall sound of the song. I love each of these pieces, and for the most part they're incredibly beautiful songs. But for some reason they all wig me out. So, here's my list. Please feel free to add to it if you also get a little creeped out by music. The aforementioned "Russians" - not really topical anymore, but it scared the crap out of me when I was a kid during the Cold War. And, man are the lyrics brilliant. "You And I" by Jeff Buckley - came out after he drowned, and it sounds like he's singing underwater. "Song To The Siren" by Tim Buckley - must be the genes. The mythology behind it does the trick, and the background vocals sound just like what I imagine a banshee would sound like. "If It Be Your Will" by Leonard Cohen - it makes suicidal thoughts seem very comfortable. This is what I imagine "peaceful death" to sound like. "Long Long Long" by The Beatles - religious imagery generally freaks me out a little bit, and the wailing at the end puts me over the edge. "Oh My Love" by John Lennon - I'm not really sure why; it just makes me uneasy. "In The Hall Of The Mountain King" by Edvard Grieg - scared the sh*t out of me when I was little, and still does. When I was about 3 or 4 I would put this record on and then run from it. But I always came back and played it again.
  3. daslied


    Some people like to tear the clothes off, and others choose to do it more seductively. Who's a big, frigging tool?
  4. Yes, Peaches, you do. One day I will school you thoroughly. For now, check out some of the blues albums/songs by people typically thought of in other genres - Ray Charles, Nina Simone, Billie Holiday. Even Bonnie Raitt - try "Guilty". That might be easier than going straight into Leadbelly or Elmore James.
  5. OK, actually typed the correct answet, but I think Edna already got it, or at least hinted that she did. Commence catfight.
  6. I was hoping the "band, bandanas and bandoliers" thing would seal it. Do you know how hard it was to get in a fluid sentence that had a BBC pun?
  7. OK, we need a band-aid on this thread. Maybe I should be prohibited from broadcasting anything even slightly offensive to anyone's intellect or philosophy of life? Of course, some people are way too easily offended, and seek to make sure other people aren't exposed to certain things. The man's always trying to keep me down - damn censors. Gotta protect us from ourselves, after all. OK, I'm spent. I'm going to clear my head, and try another channel.
  8. daslied


    It's the best box set ever assembled. You could toss a lot of the 4th disc, but there are still a lot of good ones among the "Don't Drive Drunk"'s and "Part-Time Lover"'s.
  9. Though that's correct, Edna, it's not what I'm looking for. It also doesn't directly involve bands, bandanas or bandoliers. The randomness of these questions are what makes them fun, eh. I mean, this one could involve something random like a b.b. See?
  10. No, nothing technical about the lyrics.
  11. No. I'd like to withdraw my second clue above; it's relevant, but possibly too vague. New clue: the lyrics are the reason they have something in common, though it doesn't involve a common line, word or theme.
  12. OK, since mine kind of sucks, here's a clue: There are tons of other songs with this thing in common, and most people would consider the thing in common quite ridiculous. Second clue - a certain, omnipresent "man" is involved.
  13. daslied


    There's a newer compilation called "Motown - Greatest Hits". I believe it's put out by Universal Records, which now owns and distributes Motown. It covers quite a time period. It's a 3 disc import, and the price was pretty fair. I found it at Best Buy, but you can get it here as well: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B0000CCYOX/qid=1128609301/sr=2-1/ref=pd_bbs_b_2_1/002-0247350-4223210?v=glance&s=music Of course, everyone should also own the Stevie Wonder "At The Close Of A Century" boxset - best thing I ever bought.
  14. daslied


    Not to smear the pap, but I think it's still fantastic. But I'm also really, really patient. I don't want the whole thing to be really obvious, and I love the gradual character development. I think 4 straight seasons of "24" have improved my tv patience, and willing suspension of disbelief. I think "Lost", overall, is (so far) a beautifully told story of lonely people who end up in the loneliest place possible. I think the suspense and supernatural elements just provide a nice backdrop, but they're not the main reasons I love the show.
  15. daslied


    He had to be one of the first, to be sure. Rare Earth came out around 1970, and they're considered more of a "Classic Rock" band than a Motown band; first white group on the label, I believe. Stevie's "crossover" classic rock tunes didn't really come out until a few years later with the album "Talking Book". He definitely is bigger than the "r&b" genre, much the same as the Beatles are bigger than the "pop" genre.
  16. You guys are too nice, and way too encouraging. Peaches, that must've been some special reason for those comments.
  17. Yeah, he was pretty awesome. The "shave, too" joke is the best ever created. I actually do that now, and giggle a little every time.
  18. If I had to guess, which I do, I would say Bootsy Collins.
  19. Correct, two above. Why War Ben Bad ABC Isn't there a wonderful connection with the titles "ABC", "Be(e)n" and "Bad"?
  20. Compelled by OCD: Feb-rupaul-uary Jeannie C. Ap-riley (or just April Wine) Toots & The May-tals June Carter Cash Prize month Gordon July-tfoot Kids month - Snuffleup-August Sep-tiny-tember December-t Bacharach
  21. If I told you it wouldn't be much of a quiz.
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